Lathe Cutter Workshop 2A Stress Analysis
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-2 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter Description Solve a 3-D stress analysis of the lathe cutter model below. Review the results in the general postprocessor by: 1) plotting the displacements 2) listing reaction forces 3) plotting the von Mises stress 4) animating the von Mises stress Resolve the solution using a different set of constraints and compare the stress results to the first solution.
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-3 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter Loads and Material Properties for the first solution:
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-4 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter Loads and Material Properties for the second solution:
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-5 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “cutter” as the jobname. 2.Set the GUI Preferences to Structural: –Main Menu > Preferences … Select “Structural”, then [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-6 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 3.Import the “cutter.igs” IGES file using the “No defeaturing” option: –Utility Menu > File > Import > IGES … Select “No defeaturing”, then [OK] Select “cutter.igs’, then [OK] –Or issue: /AUX15 IOPTN,IGES,NODEFEAT IGESIN,cutter,igs,
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-7 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 4.Scale the model by converting centimeters to inches: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > Operate > Scale > Volumes + [Pick All] –Enter 1/2.54 for RX, RY, and RZ –Set IMOVE to “Moved”, then [OK] –Or issue: VLSCAL, ALL,,, 1/2.54, 1/2.54, 1/2.54,, 0, 1 –Utility Menu > Plot > Volumes –Or issue: VPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-8 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 5.Read input from “cutter-area.inp” to create a small area for applying pressure load at tip: –Utility Menu > File > Read Input from … Select “cutter-area.inp”, then [OK] –Or issue: /INPUT,cutter-area,inp
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-9 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 6.Specify the element type: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete … [Add...] –Select “Structural Solid” and “Tet 10node 92”, then [OK] [Close] –Or issue: ET,1,SOLID92
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-10 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 7.Define elastic modulus for material 1 to be 10e6 (Aluminum): –Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models … Structural -> Linear -> Elastic -> Isotropic Set EX = 10e6 (Young’s modulus in psi for Aluminum) Set PRXY =.32 [OK] Select Material > Exit –Or issue: MP,EX,1,10e6 MP,PRXY,1,.32
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-11 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 8.Activate smartsize meshing and mesh the model with tetrahedral elements: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool … Activate “Smart Size” Set Smart Size level to 4 [Mesh] [Pick All] [Close] –Or issue: SMRT,4 MSHAPE,1,3D MSHKEY,0 VMESH
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-12 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 9.Apply area “symmetry” constraint to restrain attachment region: –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas –Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Displacement > -Symmetry B.C.- On Areas + Pick areas 18, 19, 25, and 26, then [OK] –Or issue: DA,18,SYMM DA,19,SYMM DA,25,SYMM DA,26,SYMM
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-13 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 10.Apply pressure load at tip: –Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Pressure > On Areas + Pick area 1, then [OK] VALUE = [OK] –Or issue: SFA,1,1,PRES,10000
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-14 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 11.Save the database and obtain the solution: –Click the “SAVE_DB” button in the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > File > Save as Jobname.db) –Main Menu > Solution > -Solve- Current LS Review the “/STATUS Command” window and then close it [OK] [Close] - to close the yellow message window after the solution is completed –Or issue: /SOLU SOLVE
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-15 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 12.Review the results: 12a. Plot displacements: –Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu... Select “DOF solution” and “Translation USUM”, select “Def + undef edge”, then [OK] –Or issue: /POST1 PLNSOL,U,SUM,2,1
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-16 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-17 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 12b. List reaction forces: –Main Menu > General Postproc > List Results > Reaction Solu... Select “All items”, then [OK] –Or issue: PRRSOL
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-18 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-19 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 12c. Plot von Mises stress: –Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu... Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK] –Or issue: PLNSOL,S,EQV
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-20 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 12d. Capture the image then minimize : –Utility Menu > Plot Cntrls > Capture Image –Minimize the window for later comparison
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-21 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 12e. Animate the von Mises stress: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Deformed Results... Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK] –Or issue: PLNSOL,S,EQV ANCNTR,10,0.5
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-22 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-23 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 13.Close the animation and delete the area symmetry constraints: [Close] –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas –Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Delete > -Structural- Displacement > On Areas + Pick areas 18, 19, 25, and 26, then [OK] [OK] –Or issue: DADELE,18,ALL DADELE,19,ALL DADELE,25,ALL DADELE,26,ALL 14.Apply “ALL DOF” constraint to areas 18, 19, and 26: –Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Displacement > On Areas + Pick areas 18, 19, and 26, then [OK] Select “All DOF”, then [OK] –Or issue: DA,18,ALL DA,19,ALL DA,26,ALL
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-24 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 15. Change the title: –Utility Menu > File > Change Title … Type in the title: Lathe Cutter - with ALL DOF constraint on areas at hole [OK] 16.Save the database and obtain the solution: –Pick the “SAVE_DB” button in the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > File > Save as Jobname.db) –Main Menu > Solution > -Solve- Current LS [OK] [Close] –Or issue: SAVE /SOLU SOLVE 17.Review the results: –Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu... Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV” [OK] –Or issue: PLNSOL,S,EQV
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-25 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter Open minimized plot from previous analysis to compare results
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-26 2A. Stress Analysis Lathe Cutter 17.Save and exit ANSYS: –Pick the “QUIT” button from the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > File > Exit...) Select “Save Everything” [OK] –Or issue: FINISH /EXIT,ALL
2-D Corner Bracket Tutorial Workshop 2B Stress Analysis
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-28 2B. Stress Analysis 2-D Corner Bracket Tutorial Description This workshop introduces you to ANSYS tutorials — solved, step-by-step examples that are available on-line in HTML format. The problem consists of a static analysis of a corner bracket modeled with 2-D plane stress elements.
Workshop Supplement January 20, 2001 Inventory # W2-29 2B. Stress Analysis 2-D Corner Bracket Tutorial 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “bracket” as the jobname. 2.Access the ANSYS on-line tutorials: –Utility Menu > Help > ANSYS Tutorials Open the “Structural Tutorial” folder Select the “Static Analysis of a Corner Bracket” folder Perform steps 1 through 26 –Or issue the following path in your browser’s “Go to:” window: Unix: \ansys57\docu\english\ansyshelp\Hlp_UI_Tutorials.html Intel-PC: D:/ansys57/docu/english/tuthelp.chm (Note, ask your instructor for the path name on your machine that points to the TUTORToc.htm file)