DISCOVER DIABETES INTERPROFESSIONAL WELLNESS CLINIC Jade Gamber, Stephanie Twait, Bryn Sugrue, Kylie Muntz, & David LaBelle Ferris State University
Job Advertisement To promote student volunteers from Grand Valley’s Nurse Practitioner program to gain essential knowledge and experience working with patients with diabetes. For recruitment and community exposure $18.75 for 75 flyers to handed out at the Cook DeVos Center for Health Sciences $35 for an advertisement in the Grand Valley Lathorn
Organizational Goals We plan to achieve this goal within our patient’s first visit and encourage them to take advantage of all of our services to enhance their health in the future. A one-stop shop for our patients in which all potential complications of diabetes can be addressed. This goal is achievable because there is already a nationally recognized foundation of it laid out. To educate, support, and improve the quality of life of diabetics of all ages that attend our clinic!
Organizational Objectives 1. To educate clients and their families specifically about what diabetes is, the complications that can arise from it, and the proper way to manage it upon their first visit. 2. To provide a comforting environment that assures a recurring, compassionate, and intimate relationship amongst clients, families, and our interdisciplinary staff that includes a 98% satisfaction rate measured by evaluations provided during visits. 3. To have 50% of our patient population’s A1C levels and cholesterol levels be within normal limits by proper education and disease management techniques.
Organizational Objectives con’t. 4.To provide an interdisciplinary clinic staffed with Ferris faculty and students of nursing, optometry, pharmacy, dental, and dietary and food service management as well as Grand Valley’s faculty and students in the Nurse Practitioner program. 5.To provide a clinic twice a week, four hours a day to accommodate patient’s schedules.
References Advertising. (2013). Grand Valley Lanthorn. Retrieved from Advertising. (2013). Grand Valley Lanthorn. Retrieved from