Welcome 4th Grade Blast Off 2011!
4 th grade Teachers! Ms. Rendon Ms. Stuffler Mrs. Wright Mrs. Stewart Mrs. Grant
Daily Schedule 7:30 – 8:10 Lunch Count, Attendance, Warm-up 8:15 – 9:15 Specials 9:20-12:10- RELA/ Writing/Social Studies 12:15-12:45-Lunch 12:45-1:15-Recess 1:15–3:00 Math/Science 3:00 – 3:10 Stack/Pack/Dismissal
School Supplies Preordered school supplies have been delivered to the classrooms. School supply lists are available if needed.
Lunch Accounts Lunch: 12:10 – 12:40 Cost is $1.85 per tray. Set up your account today! To contact the cafeteria about questions or concerns call
Activity Fee Please send $30 with your child for our activity fund. This money allows us to -pay for buses for field trips -purchase items for classroom activities Planners are mandatory. They are for sale today for $5.
Planners/Conduct *Planners will be used to keep up with assignments, tests/quizzes, and reminders. *Conduct marks (if any) will be written on the bottom (under teacher comments) of each day. * Conduct Marks or Behavior Tickets must be signed with each occurrence. *Please make an effort to look at your child’s planner each night.
Discipline Plan 9 WEEK E = 0-2 marks S = 3-9 marks N = marks U = 16+ marks Student will get 2 warnings before the first conduct mark is recorded in his/her planner.
Red Folders Graded papers, flyers, grade level and school information will be sent home on MONDAYS. Homework packets will also go home on Mondays in their red folders. Homework will be due on Friday. Students will stay in for study hall if homework is not returned on Friday.
Music! It’s recorder time! As part of the curriculum, 4 th graders learn how to play the recorder. Please send $15 in no later than Sep. 26. Make checks out to SWE. Also, 4 th graders are welcome to join The Singing Stars! (Choir) Permission slips will be sent home first week of school.
Visitors All Visitors MUST check in at the office with their driver’s license. Everyone MUST wear a name badge to ensure the safety of all children and staff. Your license will be returned to you when you check out.
The Green Shelf Forgotten homework, lunches, notes, etc… can be placed on “The Green Shelf” located just outside the office door. You do not have to check in to drop something off.
Dress Code Wear appropriate clothing on P.E. days (tennis shoes and shorts) Check handbook for approved dress code It can get cold in the building, a light sweater or jacket will help your child feel more comfortable.
Birthdays Treats If your child wishes to bring in treats for his/her birthday, please make sure they are non-edible. *Pencils, eraser toppers, goody bags, etc. are ok to be sent in to be passed out at the end of the day.
CATCH Break Water Only –Suggested Fruits, Crackers, Cheese, Breakfast bars, cereal, pretzels, popcorn, or any CLEAN snack.
Absence Policy 7:50 School Begins / 8:05 Tardy If your child will be absent, call absent line Briefly list the symptoms on the message in order to better monitor health concerns Student must return to school with a note or child’s teacher
Dismissal Leaving early – send note with child in the morning. No check outs after 3:00pm/ 11:00am early release days. If picking up at dismissal, wait outside of building Change of transportation –Need to call front office by 1 p.m –Send note with child in the morning
Dissmissal (cont.) Car Riders 1. Families that live on the EAST side of West Lake Houston Parkway ( the same side as the school ) will drop off and pick up in the front of the school. 2. Families that live on the WEST side of West Lake Houston Parkway will drop off and pick up on the cafeteria side of the school. 3. All Day Care vans will drop off and pick up on the cafeteria side of the school.
Please visit the PTO information stations in the cafeteria before you leave. Celebration Fee is $10.00, payable to PTO -Winter and Friendship celebrations Fill out Student Information sheet before you leave. Have a GREAT weekend and see you on Monday!