1 Visalia Unified School District Principal & Area Administrator Service Request Approval Processing Using The SRTS November 16, 2005 Administrative Services.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Visalia Unified School District Principal & Area Administrator Service Request Approval Processing Using The SRTS November 16, 2005 Administrative Services by Al Foytek & Mat Brletic

2 “Service Request Tracking System” (SRTS) Access Requirements - Computer Connected To Intranet - Internet Explorer or Other Browser - VUSD Network Account User ID/Password - Account Easy Access To Administrative Services

3 Maintenance Department Services Technological Department Services Custodial Department Services Grounds Department Services BIS Support Services Four Creeks Catering Services SRTS Support Services Services Now Available Via SRTS

4  SERVICE QUEUE - Each Service Providing Department has, within the SRTS, its Own “Queue”. A “Queue” is a collection of Service Requests that belong to one and only one Department. Staff Members of the Service Providing Departments will work only from Service Requests created in their Department’s Queue.  QUEUE SELECTION - End Users of the SRTS have the ability to make Service Requests from all available Queues.  SRTS DISPLAY & FEATURES - Certain end users, such as Area Administrators, Principals, and some Assistant Principals, will see a slightly different WEB interface than “regular” end users of the SRTS. This is to allow participation in the “Approval” process. SRTS BASICS

5  Approval Required On School Site Initiated Requests For: - Maintenance Service - Custodial Service - Grounds Service  Approved Only By Site Principal or, if designated, one of the Assistant Principals  “Projects” Must Also Be Approved By The Responsible Area Administrator  SRTS Approval Features Are Not Visible To School Site Staff APPROVAL BASICS

6 To log in to the SRTS, enter the following address (URL) into your WEB browser “address” box: You will be asked to log in - Use your network userid and password. NOTE: For ease of access, add this page to your “Favorites” SRTS LOGIN

7 SRTS Login Window

8 “Home” Page for “Regular” Staff

9 “Home” Page for “Approvers” Note the “Approvals” Tab.

10  Service Request “Ticket” - Created at initial entry - Stores all service request related information. Requestor Information. Servicing Department Information  Requesting Service Is The Same Process For Everyone SERVICE ‘TICKET’

11 To create a Ticket, select a Department from the list. CREATING ‘TICKET’ – Selecting Queue

12 (Note that the Maintenance Department has been selected.) Click “New ticket in” to get the request ‘Ticket’ form. CREATING ‘TICKET’ – Move To Form (2)

13 CREATING ‘TICKET’ – Define Request (3)

14 Files can be attached to a service request. They are optional. If you add one or more Ccs, please Enter valid addresses separated by commas. CREATING ‘TICKET’ – Form Filled In (4)

15 Click here to submit request CREATING ‘TICKET’ – Submit Request (5)

16 NEW ‘TICKET’ – Ticket ID 4821 Ticket ID Number Location


18 You can add information to a ticket by clicking “Reply” ADDING INFORMATION - Reply

19 Enter additional information in the box shown above, then click “Submit” ADDING INFORMATION – Reply (2)

20 The Ticket “History” area now has your comments. ADDING INFORMATION – Reply (3)

21 Click on the logo to return to your “Home” page GO HOME

22 You display a ticket by clicking on the Subject or ticket ID in the ticket list. HOME PAGE

23 New Open Stalled Rejected Resolved Deleted TICKET STATUS

24 Ticket Status Definitions New: The ticket has not been opened by the service providing department. Open: The ticket has been seen and opened by provider. Work may have begun. Stalled: The ticket cannot progress due to unresolved dependencies. Rejected: The service providing department is refusing to act on the request. Resolved: The request has been serviced and the provider considers it resolved. Deleted: Not really deleted, just “deleted” from view (not visible to most users). A ticket cannot be permanently removed from the SRTS. Most tickets progress from “New” to “Open” to “Resolved”.

25 Clicking on “Closed tickets” will bring up a list of Tickets that you requested that have been completed and marked “Resolved”.

26 Click on a ticket ID to display it

27  Service provider will mark the Ticket “Resolved”  notice is sent to you by SRTS  Resolution comments sent with final reply and can be viewed on-line at any time SERVICE REQUEST COMPLETE

28  Each Service Provider’s Ticket submission form is tailored to their Department  All ticket submission forms will include an area for you to describe the nature of your request SERVICE TICKET FORMS

29 This is a ticket created by a member of School Site Staff NEW TICKET – School Staff View

30 Note the Ticket “Depends On” two Approval Tickets New Project NEW TICKET – Provider View (2)

31  PRINCIPAL APPROVAL - Since the Ticket was created for a Site by someone other than a member of the Service Provider’s staff, it must be approved by the Principal or Assistant Principal.  AREA ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL - Since it has been designated a “Project”, the responsible Area Administrator must also approve this request (Ticket). APPROVAL PROCESSING - Approvals

32  “APPROVAL TICKETS” - Each required approval is actually a Ticket, with its own unique ID, in a Queue called “Approvals”. If a Site Approval, the Approval Ticket will have an Id number at least 1 more than the Original ticket ID number. If an Area Administrator Approval, it’s ID will be at least TWO more than the original Ticket.  TICKET NUMBER ASSIGNMENT - In our example, the request (for a Shade Area at Houston) was assigned an ID of 4262 by the SRTS. The SRTS automatically created a Site Approval Ticket with an ID of 4263, and an Area Administrator Approval Ticket with an ID of These numbers will not necessarily be consecutive.  SERVICE REQUEST APPROVAL DEPENDENCY - There is only one request Ticket, but it has two Approval Tickets associated with it. The request “Depends” on both of the Approvals. Both of these should (theoretically) be approved before work can commence on the request. Both MUST be approved before the service providing department can classify the original request as “Resolved” APPROVAL PROCESSING – Tickets (2)

33 Click here to see pending Approvals APPROVAL PROCESSING – Access Pending (3)

34 Note the original Ticket number and the Approval Ticket number. The details of the original Ticket are displayed. APPROVAL PROCESSING – Approval Page (4)

35 Click Approve or Deny APPROVAL PROCESSING – Approve/Deny/NA (5)

36 After Selection, Click Submit APPROVAL PROCESSING – Submit Approval (6)

37  Your Approvals Page may have multiple pending Approvals. You can scroll down through the list and selectively approve or deny. You need only click “Submit” once for the whole group. Samples follow. APPROVAL PROCESSING – Multiple Approvals (7)

38 Pending Approval Ticket #4704 for Request Ticket # 4702 This is where you select approve or deny.

39 Scrolling, we see Approval Ticket #4817 for Request Ticket # 4815 This is where you select approve or deny.

40 Bottom Of Approvals Page Has The Submit Button & A Simple Search Feature Click here to submit Approvals Search Feature

41 If you have no Pending Approvals, the screen appears as below

42 From: "The RT System itself via RT" Attention: There is a Maintenance Request waiting for your approval: "Project Approval:Maintenance, Site: Houston ", In order for any action to be taken on this request, you must Approve it. If you deny this request, no action will be taken. Please follow the instructions below. Please visit to approve or reject this ticket, or to batch-process all your pending approvals Example of an notice that Principals receive when a service request requires their Approval A B A: Clicking here brings up the specific Approval. B: While this link brings up your whole Approvals page.

43 From: "The RT System itself via RT" Attention: There is a Maintenance Request waiting for your approval: "Project Approval: Maintenance, Area Administrator, Site: Houston ", In order for any action to be taken on this request, you must Approve it. If you deny this request, no action will be taken. Please follow the instructions below. Please visit to approve or reject this ticket, or to batch-process all your pending approvals Example of an notice that Area Administrator Approvers receive when a service request requires Approval A B A: Clicking here brings up the specific Approval. B: While this link brings up your whole Approvals page.

44 Benefits of the SRTS Easy Access To Administrative Services  No special software needed, any browser will work  Available to anyone with network access via any workstation Improved Communications  Faster – No Delays To Transmit Forms  Information Available To All Concerned Simultaneously  Status & requests information always available online  Easy retrieval of information for later reference Improved Efficiency  Faster request transmit & job turn-around times  Reduced paper usage  Fewer phone calls  Reduced labor to communicate and locate related request information

45 Questions ?