Research Proposal Alex Reynolds, Catherine Hill & Laura Guilfoyle
What are the effects of traditional versus tactual-kinaesthetic instruction on short term knowledge acquisition and attitude in middle years students?
Sub-question Do students of all learning styles respond positively to tactual-kinaesthetic instruction?
Key Terms Traditional Instruction – techniques such as ‘chalk and talk’, lectures, assigned readings, end-of-chapter tests Tactual-kinaesthetic instruction – teaching techniques requiring students to physically move, handle manipulatives, and participate in concrete, real-life experiences
Why this question? The middle years of schooling are associated with a high level of disengagement Most instruction in the middle years is verbal and visual Students with other learning styles may be reached better by using different teaching styles There is a current focus on using kinaesthetic teaching techniques for students with ADHD
Why action research? This research project can be implemented within our own classrooms The results of this will be used to inform our own teaching
What does the literature say?
Research approach Action research Tactile-kinaesthetic activities will be implemented in the classroom in around half of all lessons, both to teach new content and reinforce prior knowledge and understanding Student achievement and engagement will be monitored throughout both traditional and tactual kinaesthetic lessons
Data Collection/Instruments Time-on-task (every 15 minutes) Teacher log/journal Student work samples Face scales or scaled (1-5) questions to assess attitudes towards subject as a whole and individual lessons Learning styles assessment
Data analysis Quantitative Qualitative
Potential use of the findings The results of this research project will be used to determine whether – in our own teaching – tactile-kinaesthetic teaching techniques will be used for all students or only those that show a preference for learning kinaesthetically