Alabama Reading Initiative Session 1
Parameters: 1. All participants - no observers. 2. Use time wisely. 3. Stay focused. Please keep sidebar conversations to a minimum. 4. Respect others ’ opinions. 5. Set cell phones and other electronic devices on vibrate or silent. 2
How do we …. Teach our kids to read, Expand their reading power, Ensure they’re college and career ready, “Do” RtI, With more kids and no $ AND Keep Our Sanity?
Equip ARI teams to use instructional strategies including formative assessment to help students develop critical thinking skills and help administrators and teachers use Response to Instruction (RtI) to increase student learning.
Use data to identify student needs Examine studies and research Engage in rigorous reflection Use research and professional wisdom to make good choices Collaboratively experiment with new teaching practices Monitor and assess implementation Communicate information to other stakeholders Continually Revisit Reflect Revise Study Select Plan
Study instructional strategies including formative assessment that will enhance student learning. Select effective research based instructional strategies and resources to apply to your school. Plan implementation of research based instructional strategies with your team.
Outcome: You will be able to make connections to your current practices, activity levels in the brain, and three areas of focus (student discussion, writing, and questioning). Before: Instructional Strategies Brainstorm During: Think-Pair-Share; Mini-Lecture; Think-Write-Pair-Share After: Closed Sort
Individually list some strategies, methods, practices, tools, etc., that you (teachers and coaches) currently use in your instruction and (administrators) that you use in PD or observe in classrooms.
Hearing Words Speaking Words Generating Words Seeing Words toys
Hearing WordsSeeing Words Speaking Words Generating Words
Transverse Section — Writing Words from The Dana Sourcebook of Brain Science
Are students at EVERY grade level reading, writing, investigating, talking, and listening during core reading instruction? During content area instruction? How will you turn this information around to the teachers at your school? Do we “practice what we preach”? Do our PD sessions, coaching sessions, and classrooms include these “best practices” as well?
Think-Write-Pair-Share Think of your role (coach, teacher, administrator). What are YOUR next steps in making this happen? Write your response on a card. Share your thoughts with your team.
After: Closed Sort At your table, take the sticky notes you brainstormed earlier and sort them into the following categories: Student discussion Writing Questioning Consider this: How rigorous are your strategies?
Outcome: You will be able to make connections to your current practices, activity levels in the brain, and three areas of focus (student discussion, writing, and questioning). Before: Instructional Strategies Brainstorm Purposes: activate prior knowledge During: Think-Pair-Share; Mini-Lecture; Think- Write-Pair-Share Purposes: engage with lesson; discuss content; integrate new information with prior knowledge; make connections After: Closed Sort Purposes: categorize; make connections
How do we …. Teach our kids to read, Expand their reading power, Ensure they’re college and career ready, “Do” RtI, With more kids and no $ AND Keep Our Sanity?
The purpose of Alabama’s Action Plan for Literacy is to provide a framework for action by defining the expectations that support literacy development for learners from Birth through Grade 12.
Outcome: You will be able to identify key information about student discussion, writing, and questioning. You will also be able to plan next steps for implementing/sharing a strategy set at your school. Before: Think-Pair-Share During: Pass It On with modified Backwards Note-taking After: Plan It!
22 Development of a Reader and Writer System of Meaning System of Language System of Print Speaking Writing Comprehending Reading Before: Think-Pair-Share Look at the Conceptual Framework, the anchor piece of the ARI. What parts would you label as the “whats”, and what parts would you label as the “hows”?
Skillful Readers Standards Based Curriculum Assessment Instruction & Intervention Professional Development Collaborative Leadership
Today we are going to study instructional strategies that can strengthen beginning reading, expand reading power, and ensure our students are college and career ready.
Student Discussion Writing Questioning
Pass It On Work in groups of 3 Read the quote Respond to the prompt in writing Talk as a group Chart 3 important things to note about student discussion
Tips Engage EVERY student Time the discussion Model student talk Provide a stem Walk, listen, and note
Pass It On Work in groups of 3 Read the quote Respond to the prompt in writing Talk as a group Chart 3 important things to note about student writing
Student Discussion Writing Questioning
Tips Incorporate writing daily Use long and short writing tasks Write for different purposes and audiences Analyze student writing Display student writing
Pass It On Work in groups of 3 Read the quote Respond to the prompt in writing Talk as a group Chart 3 important things to note about questioning
Student Discussion Writing Questioning
Tips Formulate questions as a part of the lesson planning process Assign questions to students Ask the question – allow wait time for all to think - then call on student Vary levels of questioning Encourage student-generated questions
As a team, select the one focus strategy set that will take the most effort to implement. Now, think about the one that will most benefit your students.
Think about: The strategy set you just selected Additional research to learn more about it Who else on your staff should be involved? Resources you will need for implementation Your immediate next steps with this strategy Schedule time to repeat this process to implement the other two strategy sets
Outcome: You will be able to identify key information about student discussion, writing, and questioning. You will also be able to plan next steps for implementing/sharing a strategy set at your school. Before: Think-Pair-Share Purposes: activate prior knowledge During: Pass It On Purposes: engage with text; respond in writing; discuss content; integrate new information with prior knowledge; make connections; organize information After: Plan It! Purposes: make connections; plan next steps
Outcomes: You will be able to analyze a lesson and student responses through the lenses of student engagement and formative assessment; identify key words/terms related to formative assessment; analyze lesson through an RtI lens; plan next steps for implementation at your school. Before: Take a Trip! T-Chart During: Video Lesson Reflection on Graphic Organizer; Sample This!; Think-Pair-Share After: Plan It!
Before: Take a Trip! T-Chart ___________ TeacherStudent
During: Video Reflection Graphic Organizer Let’s look at some instructional strategies in a classroom.
Let’s look at student work samples.
How do we …. Teach our kids to read, Expand their reading power, Ensure they’re college and career ready, “Do” RtI, With more kids and no $ AND Keep Our Sanity?
Go back to your notes on the lesson plan and note where and how RtI principles were used in the lesson. Justify your thinking with your team. Which students might you discuss at a grade level or problem solving team meeting? Why? From your team discussion of these social studies samples, what implications can be made concerning other content areas? What steps do you need to take to meet students’ literacy needs across the curriculum?
After: RtI IS … Using targeted instructional strategies to teach ALL students-Tier 1 Formatively assessing students throughout the lesson and after the lesson –Tiers 1, 2, and 3 Determining how content area intervention needs of students will be met- Tier 2 Reinforcing the Tier 3 intervention in the content areas. Collecting documentation (student work samples/anecdotal notes) that yield “real time” data for immediate adjustments AND inform further intervention decisions.
Select a class at your school to be a practice site where you will implement the strategies you have worked with today. Student Discussion Writing Questioning
1. Revisit the content As a team, plan a practice lesson using these strategy sets. Decide who will teach the lesson and who will observe. 2. Reflect student work samples notes from the lesson 3. Revise the instruction BRING BACK YOUR LESSON OBSERVATIONS.
Outcomes: You will be able to analyze a lesson and student responses through the lenses of student engagement and formative assessment; identify key words/terms related to formative assessment; analyze lesson through an RtI lens; plan next steps for implementation at your school. Before: Take a Trip! T-Chart Purposes: activate prior knowledge During: Video Lesson Reflection on Graphic Organizer; Sample This!; Think-Pair-Share (formative assessment quotes & RtI) Purposes: engage with video; respond in writing; discuss content; organize information; make connections After: Plan It! Purposes: make connections; plan next steps
STI-PD Web registration: SDEARI1003 Please complete the 10- question survey by October 21 st : /s/W8PSN6H
Carol Belcher, team leader: Rhonda Ayers, regional staff: Sandy Cauley, regional staff: Daphne Cook, regional staff: Cindy Klages, regional staff: Erin Scott, regional staff: