Though a lot of audio processing algorithms are in practice, the MSDAP uses the one which concentrates on FIR Digital filtering, which implements the following function: where, X(n) – input audio sequence Y(n) – output audio sequence H(k) – filter coefficients N - filter order (N=256) ALGORITHM APPROACH
In order to reduce the hardware complexity, we use the method of doing linear convolution by doing 1-bit shift at a time and transforming the function into a series of addition and subtraction as shown below : Eqn.1 Eqn.2 ALGORITHM APPROACH (CONTD.)
SIGNAL FORMATS AND PROTOCOLS InputL/InputR This is the input data stream through which the input samples and the coefficients are transmitted serially to the MSDAP. All the input samples are 16 bit numbers in their two’s complement form, the MSB bit being the sign bit in our case. The input is read from this input data stream on every falling edge of the Dclk. The reason behind this is to avoid loss of data by giving it enough time to arrive at the MSDAP end
As the maximum filter order N = 256, the number of bits in r j is 8 bits. As the value is represented by 8 bits, the unused value other than 8 LSB bits is set to 0. For every Dclk, u j is loaded according to the given format, where the unused bits are set to 0: SIGNAL FORMATS AND PROTOCOLS (CONTD.)
Frame Signal This is the signal that synchronizes the input and the output samples. The frame is set high for one Dclk cycle when the MSB of the input samples arrive and is then set low throughout the input data frame. As the frame rate is chosen as 48 KHz, the Dclk frequency is taken as 768 KHz (48 KHz x 16). The input stream timing diagram is as follows: SIGNAL FORMATS AND PROTOCOLS (CONTD.)
There are total number of 16 r j values and 512 coefficients which are sent to the MSDAP. For every input, MSB (sign-bit) is transmitted first and then the LSB. Each frame is of 16bit size and its start is denoted by a frame signal. Whenever the MSDAP is ready to receive any input data, it asserts the InReady signal as high. The input sample being 16-bits, occupies the entire frame length, unlike r j and coefficients where the unused MSB bits are padded by the controller with the zeroes in order to occupy the entire frame. The whole input data line transfer is done synchronously with the Dclk. OutputL/OutputR OutReady is set high, when the MSDAP transmits output samples and is aligned to the Frame signal. The output data stream carries the output samples serially from the MSDAP to the Controller. The first but transmitted is the MSB (sign-bit) and the last one is LSB. The output stream timing diagram is as follows: SIGNAL FORMATS AND PROTOCOLS (CONTD.)
The output frame is of 40 bits as mentioned in the previously discussed sections. Whenever the output is being transmitted by the MSDAP, the OutReady signal is set high for the total duration of the output frame.
Reading the data from the file Transmitting the data to the MSDAP module Issuing the required signals at the appropriate time Computation of the data Sending back the data to the testbench module Checking for the Reset and Wait states MIDTERM APPROACH
The first step is to read the inputs from the file. The entire data is read from the file and stored in an array ‘data’ of elements of size 16 bits. READING INPUT DATA [15:0]data[15055][15:0]data[0]
In order to begin the entire procedure, a ‘start’ signal is issued by the testbench to the MSDAP module. This signal marks the STATE 0. In this state, the chip begins the initialization process and clears all the memory contents. After this is completed, the chip enters into state 1. STATE 0
This is basically a waiting state, where we wait for the Rj coefficients. The InReady signal is set high,and when the Frame is detected high, chip enters State 2. STATE 1
In this state, the Rj coefficients are read, and InReady is kept high. Once all the Rj values are read, chip enters next state (State 3) STATE 2
Here we wait for the Coefficient values to be received. InReady still remains high, when Frame is asserted again, it moves into State 4. STATE 3
This is the reading state of the Coefficient values. InReady is kept high, in order to wait for the Coefficient values. Once all the values are loaded, chip enters State 5. STATE 4
This is wait state for the Data values, where InReady is again kept high. If Frame is detected to be high, there is a state transition to State 6, the computation State. But if Reset_n goes low, it transitions to State 7, the Reset State. STATE 5
This is working state, of the MSDAP, where the inputs samples, that are continuously read, are convoluted and transmits the corresponding outputs. Again, if incase the Reset_n signal is detected low, chip moves to State 7. Whereas, if there are 800 consecutive zero input samples, chip moves to the sleep state, the State 8. STATE 6
In this state, InReady is set low, and all the input (except Rj and Coefficient data) and output samples are cleared. If Reset_n is still low, chip remains in this state, else, it goes back to wait state, State 5. STATE 7
This state is the sleep mode of the MSDAP. In this state, InReady is high, waiting for any non-zero sample on any of the channels. On occurrence of such sample, chip goes back to state 6. However, if Reset_n is detected low, chip goes to state 7. STATE 8
Understood the application of the Processor Specification for the chip is built System setting is specified Finite State Machine for the Chip is designed in verilog Implemented the operation mode of MSDAP in Verilog CONCLUSION