What is Slavery? L.I.: To be able to define the meaning of slavery and understand how slaves were transported across the world. Starter – Copy and complete Slavery is………..
Slavery is….your responses
Reading task Read pages of your textbook.
The Slave Trade The international slave trade began In the late 15 th century. Explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Hernan Cortes had discovered new lands. Their voyages were copied by ‘adventurers’ from Europe who wanted to raid Africa for gold, spices and slaves
16 th century Africa was divided into tribal villages In many of these societies temporary slavery was used as a punishment. But these slaves were looked after.
The first European adventurers kidnapped slaves by raiding villages along the coast. Rival tribes began to raid each other to sell captives to the slave traders. After people were enslaved they were marched to the coast, put in holding forts and shipped to the Americas. The adventurers arrived….
The Triangle of Trade
This was how slaves were moved. 1) Ships sailed from Europe to Africa loaded with guns, iron bars and alcohol for trading. 2)Slaves were exchanged for goods and shipped to the Americas. 3)Then came the journey back to Europe with goods such as rum, sugar and tobacco bought with the proceeds of selling the slaves.
Task 1 Use page 7 of Big ideas to draw and label a diagram of the Triangle of Trade. What were the motivations behind the Triangle of Trade?
Analyse this picture What can you see happening?
Analysing an image SEETHINKWONDER
The triangle was a continuous process. Lots of people were shipped in and out of the Africa. For example in 1771 Britain transported more than 29,000 slaves from Africa to America. All these slaves were shipped in only 107 sailing ships. The main British ports were Liverpool, London, Bristol and Lancaster. KEY FACTS
The route the ships took was actually more like a circle than a triangle.The route the ships took was actually more like a circle than a triangle. The different countries that the ships went to were Britain, America and Africa.The different countries that the ships went to were Britain, America and Africa. The slave dealers also shipped in goods from different countries. Britain shipped cloth, rum and guns to Africa. Africa shipped only slaves to America. America shipped sugar, cotton and tobacco back to Britain.The slave dealers also shipped in goods from different countries. Britain shipped cloth, rum and guns to Africa. Africa shipped only slaves to America. America shipped sugar, cotton and tobacco back to Britain.
Task Answer questions 4-7 on page 127 of Big Ideas.
A captured slave reveals all “I saw many of my miserable countrymen chained together, some with their hands tied behind their backs. We were taken to a place near the coast and I asked the guide why we were here. He told me that I was to learn the ways of the white-faced people. He took a gun, some cloth and some metal in exchange for me. This made me cry bitterly. I was then taken to a ship where I saw my fellow captives moaning and crying”. Account by a slave who was taken to work in the West Indies.
Plenary L.I.: To be able to define the meaning of slavery and understand how slaves were transported across the world. What is your final opinion of the Triangle of Trade?