olor PRIMARY colors are the colors from which other colors are made. Mixing two primary colors creates a SECONDARY color. Mixing a primary colors with a secondary color creates a TERTIARY color.
ANALOGOUS colors are next to one another on the color wheel. Analogous colors can create harmony. Most of the colors in this painting are blue, green and yellow. Green is analogous to both blue and yellow. Most of the colors in this painting are red, orange, and yellow. Orange is analogous to both red and yellow.
COMPLEMENTARY colors are directly across from each another on the color wheel. Complementary colors can create drama or excitement. Most of the colors in this painting are blue and orange. Blue and orange are complementary colors. Purple & Yellow Red & Green Blue & Orange
Colors can be COOL or WARM. The WARM colors are yellow, orange and red. The yellow buildings in this painting were created using warm colors. Warm colors seem to COME FORWARD in the picture. They look closer to the viewer. The COOL colors are blue, purple and green. The sky and buildings in the background of this painting were created using cool colors. Cool colors seem to fall back in the artwork. They look farther away from the viewer.
Colors can be NEUTRAL. Neutral colors are brown, gray, black and white. They are created by mixing the three primary colors together. Neutral colors can create calm in an artwork.