1 High Performance Government: SOA Led Organization Transformation – Racing Towards Business Improvement Panel: SOA as a Framework for Delivering on the Mission The Rotunda, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC Brand Niemann, Chair, Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) Best Practices Committee (BPC), CIO Council, and Enterprise Architecture Team, Office of Environmental Information U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 12, 2005
2 Introduction Added Afterwards Thank you for the opportunity to participate. Wished my colleague Dick Burk, OMB Chief Architect, had been able to participate since my work builds on and supports the Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office and the two CIO Council Committees that I serve on (Architecture & Infrastructure and Best Practices) in my role as chair of the Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice. Like to key-off the previous excellent presentations: –The key in getting from “pilots to production” is the business case. Mills Davis is leading the SICoP Business Case for Semantic Technologies White Paper research. –I have experience in each of the three SOA framework phases, namely “basic, composite, and infrastructure” and would like to share some brief experiences with each (see next slide). SOA tells us how to do something, but not what to do, and that’s where we need a “hook” to get started. –We are starting the Semantic Interoperability Architecture (SIA) Pilots by encouraging vendors to implement the FEA Reference Model Ontology and/or the public domain database for semantic searching and ontology building in repositories and composite applications for our upcoming workshops and conferences.
3 Introduction Added Afterwards Basic: –Led CIO Council award winning VoiceXML Web Service for EPA Emergency Response pilot that has subsequently been commercialized and implemented as Infrastructure (see below). Composite: –Lead the CIO Council’s E-Forms for E-Gov Pilot that saw 13 E-forms vendors each build an XML Web Service using a common XML Schema for E-Grants to increase their collective interoperability with one another. Infrastructure: –Our recent Semantic Web for Military Applications Conference featured 40 vendors implementing RDF/OWL including the “Putting Context to Work: Semantic Keys to Improve Rapid First Response” example in Section 7.
4 Overview Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): –1. In the Beginning with IBM –2. Then Analysts Envisioning the Future –3. And More Books Appearing –4. “Microsoft’s View” –5. The DOD and the Intelligence Community Getting on Board –6. The W3C’s Semantic Web Services and Rules –7. SICoP Partnership Best Practices
5 1. In the beginning with IBM IBM created a model to depict Web services interactions which is referred to as a “service- oriented architecture” comprising relationships among three entities: –A Web service provider; –A Web service requestor; and a –A Web service broker. Note: IBM’s service-oriented architecture is a generic model describing service collaboration, not specific to Web services. –See
6 1. In the beginning with IBM Service provider Service broker Service requestor Find Bind Publish Service-oriented architecture representation (Courtesy of IBM Corporation)
7 2. Then Analysts Envisioning the Future See next slide
8 2. Then Analysts Envisioning the Future Web Services Network: Security Reliability QoS Billing Service providers Service requestors Web services networks act as intermediaries in Web services interactions.
9 2. Then Analysts Envisioning the Future ZapThink’s ZapForum: –May 4 th - The Great Debate – Enterprise Service Bus (ESBs), SOA Fabrics, or Something Else? –June 8 th – End-to-End Metadata Management – Registries, Repositories and Governance –July 13 th – Building Composite Applications with Legacy Systems –September 7 th – Transformation and Semantics –October 5 th – Improving Performance of SOA Systems –November 2 nd – Implementing Reliable Service-Oriented Architectures –December 1 st – Policies and Governance
10 3. And More Books Appearing E-Government needs a comprehensive guide to SOA with Web Services standards and best practices for implementation to get from the current "as is" to the future "to be" architecture. This book meets that need superbly. –Brand Niemann, Ph.D., Co-Chair, SICoP, U.S. Federal CIO Council For example: My review:
11 4. “Microsoft’s View” Federal Architect Council featuring David Chappell, May 11, 2005: –Business Process Management in a Service-Oriented World: The future is clear: we're all heading toward some kind of service- oriented architecture (SOA). Yet the real value in SOA lies in how it can be used to improve the way in which business processes are created and managed, an area known as business process management (BPM). This presentation takes a quick look at the core concepts underlying SOA, then describes the BPM technologies that can exploit those services. The focus is on the emerging product category of BPM servers, platforms capable of supporting the process logic that drives a composite application. –Understanding Indigo: Indigo is the code name for Microsoft's new foundation for distributed computing and service-oriented applications. This talk provides an architectural introduction to Indigo, describing what it is, how it works, and how it fits with existing technologies like ASP.NET web services,.NET Remoting, and Enterprise Services. This presentation is based on David's forthcoming book on Indigo. Also See Software Factories: –
12 5. The DOD and Intelligence Community Getting on Board Semantic Web Applications for National Security (SWANS) Conference, April 7-8, 2005: –Keynote – The Semantic Web in DoD and Federal Venues, John Gilligan, CIO, USAF –Semantic Web Government-Wide Enterprises, Projects, and Initiatives, Rick Morris, CIO Office, US Army Fusing Visions to Achieve Organizational Transformation, Advanced Knowledge Management (KM) with Advanced Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) –Keynote – Strategic Information Delivery, Steve Cooper, DHS CIO, and Mike Daconta, DHS Metadata Program Manager –Keynote – Military Settings for the Semantic Web, Gary Winkler, Principal Director, Enterprise Integration, US Army CIO and Joseph K. Lee, Jr., US Army CIO Chief Knowledge Officer –Tutorial on Semantic Web Services, David Martin, SRI International, Chair of the OWL-S Coalition, and Co-Chair of the Semantic Web Services Language Committee (see next slide) –Key Semantic Web User Presentations: Air Force, DARPA, DHS, IC, Navy, etc. and 39 Trade Show Exhibitors of RDF/OWL Applications
14 6. The W3C’s Semantic Web Services and Rules W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability, April 2005, Washington, D.C., USA. –Ontology and Rules on the same level, connected, and both treated as data. W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services, June 9-10, 2005, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Innsbruck, Austria.
15 7. SICoP Partnership Best Practices Source: Putting Context to Work: Semantic Keys to Improve Rapid First Response, Semantic Web Applications for National Security Conference, April 8, 2005, Trade Show, Broadstrokes, ImageMatters, MyStateUSA, Starbourne, and TargusInfo. Event Type Ontology in Context: Application in Unicorn Workbench: http//
16 7. SICoP Partnership Best Practices Enterprise Architecture and Service-Oriented Architecture Fad or Foundation?: –The goal of this series was to provide a clear path (J2EE/.NET for building Web services/SOA-based applications) in complex environments using open-standards to improve interoperability across all Governmental Agencies. It is far from perfect, but we gave it an honest effort: Part One: Part Two: Part Three: Part Four: Semantic Technologies and Ontology Engineering for Enterprise Architecture, Ralph Hodgson, TopQuadrant: –EA Summit 2005, May 22-24, Miami, Florida. Composite Applications with Multiple Ontologies: –For example, Digital Harbor ( at the SWANS Conference Trade Show. See Leaderboard, page 70, in InfoWorld, May 2, 2005, Issue 18.