MUON DAQ WORKSHOP Muon Week, CERN February 2014 Nicoletta Garelli (SLAC)
Workshop’s Goal LS1 Need to keep DAQ up-to-date Occasion to fix and improve specific items Few people working on DAQ for the 4 subsystems Try to work together as a whole system Share knowledge Identify tasks and priorities Learn more about progress on specific topics How to cure the MDT saturation problem Tiesheng TGC: How to improve the quality of the clock distribution and the noise burst Toshi RPC: progress on the new electronics and the new RCD Franz Discussion on some common aspects Please, stop, ask, interact! 2/20/2014 2
Muon DAQ Trying to collect information on a dedicated twiki Please, use it, update it! Collect ideas for qualification tasks Regular short meetings on Tuesday late morning since beginning of the year Is it useful? 7.8 FTE expected for 2014 A lot of work! Ask for (wo)manpower? Try to improve collaboration with Monitoring group DQ group DB experts 2/20/2014 3
Muon Loop Idea: to have it working before the new CTP To run muon system independently So far: SLC5/tdaq : MuonLoop partition with MuCTPi and TGC MuCTPi was generating 500 Hz L1A and the data were flowing from the TGC RODs to the SFIs without errors nor timeouts Lessons learned: Detector needed in order to use RODs DAQ Slice used good start towards (non ROS-EB) stand-alone data taking Next Steps Migrate to tdaq Muon sw, L1 sw, DAQ Slice Integrate the other detectors Perform timing measurements (L1 help needed) 2/20/2014 4
Muon Loop Plans In the next months fewer big interventions on the infrastructure scheduled More time for testing/running Needed pieces Experts running the system Experts checking the timing with L1 people Experts following up the upgrade of the sw to tdaq-05 Will to make it working? If yes, by when? My guess: it could run in July 2014, if one person would work for a full day per week on it. Good opportunity for new people to learn how to make the system running 2/20/2014 5
SLC6/tdaq-05 Migration to SLC6 done by sysadmins Fine. Few problems under control Very important to use ticket system to report bugs/ask requests to sysadmins ( During_standard_working_hours ) During_standard_working_hours Migration to tdaq Release notes actually contain very valuable information Many new features offered by TDAQ not (yet) used or seriously studied/considered we can do better Some muon participation to the TDAQ Training Was it useful? We should send feedback to TDAQ Compilation of muon sw against tdaq Done a bit at the last moment, basically more than half M1 used for this too few people working on this? 2/20/2014 6
M1 We are basically at the first point Running standalone After this experience, will we be able to finish the integration during M2 or better aim to M3? I think it was good to have experts around (despite concurrent Muon week) and progress on the compilation/standalone but now we should be able to define better our goals for next M run Shifter assistant and automatic actions by when? 2/20/2014 7