P7 Online Safety Messages in partnership with Police Scotland
Social Media & Technology today 1.49 Billion active Facebook users Billion active Facebook users million active UK Facebook users million active UK Facebook users. If it was a country it would be largest. If it was a country it would be largest. 500 Million tweets per day. 500 Million tweets per day. 1 billion people visit Youtube per month. 1 billion people visit Youtube per month. 90% teenage smart phone users. 90% teenage smart phone users. 66% adult smart phone users. 66% adult smart phone users.
Social Networking Keep Privacy Settings private. Keep Privacy Settings private. Only allow trusted friends access to your page. Only allow trusted friends access to your page. Never Meet Up. Never Meet Up. Keep your images to yourself. Keep your images to yourself. Do not have personal information on your page. Do not have personal information on your page. Learn how to block people. Learn how to block people. “Friends”- it’s not a competition. “Friends”- it’s not a competition. Keep your passwords to yourself. Keep your passwords to yourself.
Social Networking To Set Security Settings on Facebook: To Set Security Settings on Facebook: Click in the upper-right corner of any Facebook page. Select Settings from the dropdown menu. Select Privacy on the left. Click a setting (eg: Who can see your future posts?) to edit it.
Social Networking To block someone on Facebook: Click at the top right of any Facebook page. Click “How do I stop someone from bothering me?” Enter the name or address of the person you want to block and click Block. If you entered a name, select the specific person you want to block from the list that appears.
Social Networking To Set Security settings on Instagram: Go to Your Profile. Click on the profile icon in the lower right corner of your Instagram. Edit Your Profile Settings. At the very top of your profile, click on the “Edit Your Profile” button. Activate the Privacy Option. Scroll to the bottom and swipe on the “Posts are Private” slider.
Social Networking To block someone on Instagram: To block or unblock someone: Tap their username to open their profile. Tap (iPhone/iPad), (Android) or (Windows) Tap Block User.
Social Networking To Set Security Settings on Snapchat: Tap logo on top of camera screen. Tap gear logo on right of screen. Then can choose who can send snaps, read your story, etc from ‘everyone’ to ‘friends only’ or ‘custom’- where you specify which friends see stuff.
Social Networking To block someone on Snapchat: Go to your friends list. Tap the name of the offending friend. Hit the gear icon that appears next to their name. Select Block to stop receiving Snapchats from that person or pick Delete if you want to remove him or her from your contacts.
Think Before You Post Loss of control of the post or image. Loss of control of the post or image. Embarrassment to you and your family. Embarrassment to you and your family. Loss of respect from friends. Loss of respect from friends. Digital Footprint- permanency. Digital Footprint- permanency. Career & Further Education chances. Career & Further Education chances. Lead to bullying/blackmail. Lead to bullying/blackmail. Self Harm. Self Harm. Could lead to a criminal conviction. Could lead to a criminal conviction.
Sexting It is an offence to take, send, receive or possess an inappropriate image of any person under the age of 18. It is an offence to take, send, receive or possess an inappropriate image of any person under the age of 18. An inappropriate image is defined as an image you would not be comfortable sharing with parents/grandparents. An inappropriate image is defined as an image you would not be comfortable sharing with parents/grandparents. Sexual Offences Act Sexual Offences Act 2003.
Cyberbullying “Bullying someone using technology” “Bullying someone using technology” This is a 24/7 issue. This is a 24/7 issue. Often on Social network sites. Often on Social network sites. Includes sending horrible messages or images or encouraging others to do this. Includes sending horrible messages or images or encouraging others to do this. Can lead to the victim Self Harming. Can lead to the victim Self Harming. Malicious Communication Act Malicious Communication Act 1988.
Cyberbullying Any person who sends by way of an electronic communications device, any message that is indecent, threatening, abusive or offensive commits an offence. Communications Act 2003, Section 127
Viruses Keep Anti Virus software up to date. Keep Anti Virus software up to date. Only use trusted websites for downloads music/gaming etc. Only use trusted websites for downloads music/gaming etc. Never Open message from unknown source. Never Open message from unknown source. Be aware of online scams or Phishing attempts. Be aware of online scams or Phishing attempts.
Responsibility & Opportunity Follow the Rules Follow the Rules Keep yourself safe Keep yourself safe Respect others Respect others Appropriate use Appropriate use Report Issues Report Issues
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