WHO? Subject WHAT? Object WHY? WHAT FOR? Outcome HOW? Tools and Artefacts WHERE? Context
Self- Awareness Team Learning Shared Vision Mental Models System Thinking
Linking ‘Immediate Present’ to the ‘Faraway Future’ Time Space Carrying out activities in a specific situation Participation in life situations Full and effective participation in society Here and now
Linking ‘Immediate Present’ to the ‘Faraway Future’ Time Space Tasks and activities of teachers and teams Areas of competence of teachers and teams Identity of inclusive schools Here and now
Linking «Immediate Present» to the «Faraway Future» Time Space Tasks and activities the child is able to carry out Life situations in which the child is competent Life domains in which the child can live a good and self- determined life Here and now
Linking ‘Immediate Present’ to the ‘Faraway Future’ Time Space Performance Moves Achievement Patterns Capabilities Abstractions Here and now
Linking «Immediate Present» to the «Faraway Future» Time Space Tasks and activities the child is able to carry out Participation domains of children and youth Life domains in which the child can live a good and self- determined life Here and now
Measuring, collecting Analysing, understanding Planning, deciding Acting, implementing Controlling, evaluating Situation, problem
Intensive Interventions (+/- 5%) Targeted Interventions (+/- 15%) High-Quality Instruction (100%)
Different Modes of Cognition and Type of Process Type of ProcessMode of Cognition Instant/ReflexRapid/IntuitiveDeliberative/Analytic Assessment of Situation Pattern recognitionDiscrimination Rapid interpretation Prolonged diagnosis Consultation, discussion and analysis Decision MakingReflex responseRecognition primed or intuitive response Deliberative analysis or discussion Overt ActionRoutinised actionsRoutines punctuated by rapid decisions Planned actions with periodic progress reviews Meta-Cognitive Engagement Situational awareness Implicit monitoring Short, reactive Reflections Monitoring of thought and activity, reflective learning Group evaluation (Eraut 2009, adapted from 2007)
MovesPatternsAbstractions ManagementAttention Momentum Discipline Space Time Routines InstructionClarity Principles of learning Models of teaching MotivationExpectations Personal relationship building Classroom climate CurriculumCurriculum Design Objectives Planning Learning Experiences Assessment Overarching Objectives
In typical settings With typical routines Engaged in activities directed towards meaning goals
Participation Development Perspective Curricular Perspective Health Perspective Relationship Perspective
ICF Model Health Condition Body Functions and Structures ActivitiesParticipation Personal Factors Environmental Factors
Subject of the Activity Object of the Activity Outcome of the Activity Tools and Artefacts Social and Physical Context
Competent Inclusive Practitioners Access, Participation & Learning, Achievement Inclusive Schools Inclusive Strategies and Tools Enabling Social and Physical Environment