13:00 Opening Ceremony Mitsuru Higuchi (Waseda Univ.) 13:10 Key note Speech “Dreams makes you strong” Saburo Kawabuchi ( Japan Football Association ) “Life science of policy for super aging society” Katsuhiko Hara ( Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ) 14:30 Coffee Break 14:45 Introduction of Institute of Advanced Active Aging Research researches Masakatsu Fujie ( Waseda Univ. ) 15:15 Coffee Break 15:30 Symposium “Wig and Well-biing” Yoshihiro Tsumura, Mutsuo Minowa (Aderans) “Music device 『 Smart B-Trainer 』 supprt your training” Hiroshi Kimoto(Sony) “Universal design of heart fot QO3L” Kei Kawamura (Kawamura) “Wearable device 『 hitoe 』 ” Toru Arakane(Torey) “Local business activities of professional baseball team” Tomohiro Fukushi (Seibu-Lions) 17:35 Closing Ceremony Ichiro Nakajima(Waseda Univ.) 17:45 Reception Party Fee: 3,000Yen The 3rd Institute of Advanced Active Aging Research Symposium ~ Paradigm shifts in a super-aged society ~ Venu e Waseda University Higashifushimi Campus Building No. 79 Sponsored by Institute of Advanced Active Aging Research, Waseda University Cosponsored by Top Global University Project Health Promotion: The Joy of Sports and Exercise Frontier of Embodiment Informatics: ICT and Robotics Energy and Nanomaterials October 30 th 13:00 ~ 17:45 31 st 9:30 ~ 16:30 Date Fee Free Higashi-fushimi St. 【 Access 】 Seibu-Shinjyuku Line, Higashi-fushimi St. Walking 1 min from the station
9:30 Opening Ceremony Mitsuru Higuchi (Waseda Univ.) 9:35 AAA ( Institute of Advanced Active Aging Research ) Study “Ultra-conformable strain gauge for analysis of dynamic skin deformation” Kento Yamagishi ( Waseda Univ.) “Method for analyzing of human’s clock gene expression pattern using hair follicle cells by technique of sequencing for a single cell” Atsushi Haraguchi (Waseda Univ.) “The effect of cyclic illusory movement on corticospinal excitability of muscles in the contralateral limb” Yumi Umesawa(Waseda Univ.) 10:05 Coffee Break 10:15 Key note Speech “Recent advances in surgical robotics : some examples through the LIRMM research activities illustrated in minimally invasive surgery and interventional radiology” Phillipe Poignet ( LIRMM, France ) 11:05 Coffee Break 11:15 Symposium ① “Development and study on walking assistant robot” Chuntao Leng ( Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, China ) “Effects of milk products intake on thigh muscle strength and methylation of NFκB2 gene during walking training in middle- aged and older people” Shizue Masuki (Sinsyu Univ.) “Aging, exercise and brain function” Zsolt Radak ( University of Physical Education, Hungary ) 12:45 Lunch Time 13:45 Poster Session 14:45 Coffee Break 15:00 Symposium ② “Earthquake and Blood Pressure” Yoshihiko Watanabe (Tokyo Women's Medical University) “Studies of chrono-nutrition and chrono-exercise on health science” Shigenobu Shibata (Waseda Univ.) “Ghrelin: from discovery to its physiological functions” Masayasu Kojima (Kurume Univ.) 16:30 Closed Ceremony Shinji Takeoka (Waseda Univ.) Contact Institute of Advanced Active Aging Research Office, Waseda University TEL: