E XCUSES You don’t have enough money I cant speak another language Save up over time and find scholarships You can either learn a new language or go to an international school there
S TATISTICS Enhanced interest in academic study 80% Reinforced commitment to study foreign language 83% Helped me better understand my own cultural values and biases 97% Has had a lasting impact on world view 95%
B ENEFITS FOR LIFE You will be able to travel the world, who doesn’t want to do that?! You will put your language classes to use and be able to communicate with others You could make lifelong friends Experience diversity and different cultures
B ENEFITS FOR ACADEMICS You would sit in a classroom for another semester Studying for hours on language tests You could be in Paris or Germany, walking in the park Experiencing a different language hands-on Not Studying abroadStudying abroad
Q UIZ !!! Q UESTION 1 What is one “excuse” listed for studying abroad? Not enough money or you don’t know the language of the country where you are going
Q UIZ !!! Q UESTION 2 Will studying abroad benefit your fluency in a 2 nd language? yes
Q UIZ !!! Q UESTION 3 Did over 50% of students who studied abroad feel that it enhanced their interest in academic study? yes
Q UIZ !!! Q UESTION 4 What should you do if you want to study abroad but don’t have enough money? Save up and/or apply for a scholarship
Q UIZ !!! Q UESTION 5 Did under 50% of students who studied abroad feel that studying abroad had a lasting impact on their life? No, actually 97%