The Protestant Reformation Early 1500s
What was the state of Catholicism in the 1400s? Financial corruption, Abuse of power, Immorality Raise taxes on middle class and poor Indulgences sold to raise money to build Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome Nationalism = “devotion to a particular” state rather than the church
How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? 95 Theses – Indulgences – Wealth of the Church – Written in Latin – intended for Church leaders not common people – Printing Press helped popularize Luther's message. – Jesus the head of the Church not Pope Translated the Bible into German Edict of Worms, growth of Lutheranism = protestants
How did Protestantism spread to other areas? John Calvin – French, educated, inspired by humanism – Predestination Geneva Switzerland = theocracy – People are sinful by nature, very strict laws in place to control peoples behavior
What were the effects of the Reformation in England? Henry VIII – King of England at 17 (1509) – Hated Luther's ideas – Married to Catherine (Nephew Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) had only one girl – Pope would not allow an annulment Henry became the head of the Church of England, closed monasteries, gave land to nobles
Henry VII had six wives 1533 marries Ann Boleyn – Gives birth to Elizabeth Act of Supremacy- all must take an oath declaring Henry VIII the “Supreme Head of the Church of England” killed or jailed if you did not do this Jane Seymour gave birth to Edward VI – died by age 16 Mary takes the throne around 1563 – dies Elizabeth at 25 takes the throne – 1559 new Supremacy Act (split from Catholic Rome again)
What reforms were made in the Catholic Church? Council of Trent – Pope Paul III, – New rules to prevent corruption in the clergy – No more indulgences Very little ideals were changed, instead the Catholics became even more entrenched in their belief that mystical ceremonies would bring people closer to God.
More Change Countries like Poland and Austria returned to the Catholic Church Jesuits grew in popularity – Created even more schools across Europe, influencing future generations Women in the church or nuns created new outreach programs to help the sick, poor and children Roman Inquisition
What were the religious and social effects of the Counter Reformation? Catholics competed with other Christian groups for converts in the new world and Asia. Increased hatred of Jews and Muslims over time Witch hunts! Separation of Church and State
What wars occurred because of the Counter-Reformation? France and Spain invade Italy – Ended in 1559 – Northern Europeans went home with even more knowledge of the Italian Renaissance Peasants War in Germany Holy Roman Emperor (in Rome) wages war against many German princes – Peace of Augsburg France, Huguenots v. Catholics – Henry of Navarre = Edict of Nantes