Seventh grade Life Science -goals Provide a supportive environment Rigorous, engaging curriculum Develop academic language Develop conceptual understanding Active discourse Robust assignments Uncovering misconceptions Provide a supportive environment Rigorous, engaging curriculum Develop academic language Develop conceptual understanding Active discourse Robust assignments Uncovering misconceptions
CSTA vision statement The California Science Teachers Association describes science as “an extension of everyone’s natural curiosity and permeates our lives.”
National, State, and Core science standards The course and textbook are aligned to reflect a standards-based curriculum.
National Standards National Standards are designed to encourage all students to learn science, develop scientific habits of mind ~ to become scientifically literate. New National Standards are currently being reviewed. National Standards are designed to encourage all students to learn science, develop scientific habits of mind ~ to become scientifically literate. New National Standards are currently being reviewed.
California State Standards The State Standards promote participation in lab investigations, conducting research, and analyzing and representing data.
Expectations Personal responsibility The 7th grade focus promotes personal responsibility, encourages open communication, and establishes effective study habits. Personal responsibility The 7th grade focus promotes personal responsibility, encourages open communication, and establishes effective study habits.
Homework Expectations Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday;Monday and Tuesday night’s assignments are due the following day Homework website The 7 th grade Life Science website is a valuable tool for monitoring your son’s or daughter’s assignments Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday;Monday and Tuesday night’s assignments are due the following day Homework website The 7 th grade Life Science website is a valuable tool for monitoring your son’s or daughter’s assignments
Assessments Tests 35% Lab assignments 25% Quizzes 20% Journal 15% Homework, participation, lab conduct 5% Tests 35% Lab assignments 25% Quizzes 20% Journal 15% Homework, participation, lab conduct 5%
Communication tools Binder reminder * Life Science website -(access through Hall website) course outline, grading policy, homework, resource pages, link to on-line text Phone ext Binder reminder * Life Science website -(access through Hall website) course outline, grading policy, homework, resource pages, link to on-line text Phone ext
Six Steps to Academic Success Be organized Manage your time Create success in the classroom Read effectively Study smart Stay connected Be organized Manage your time Create success in the classroom Read effectively Study smart Stay connected
Thank you! The seventh grade Life Science students thank the PTA and SPARK for contributions that support the curriculum!