Fall 2011 Melissa Aro Data Management and Reporting Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Changes & Updates Graduation Rates Statewide Validation & Data Quality
Certification Name and Title are required Certifications may be saved separately Certification must be reentered if any record is modified or added District may not lock without the required certifications CC, CD, & YE
Race Key required for Year End and Discipline Race Conversion Tool will remain available
Grade range within Accountable School and Agency Age related logic in WSLS and ISES Significant Developmental Delay and Secondary Disabilities Return to Regular Education for Full Term Dropouts Record Requirements for recently opened or closed schools
No revisions for YE, CD, CC, or Discipline XML DTDs remain the same CSV & XML Check Programs remain the same New version of specification posted to sync with development phase
Wisconsin’s four-year cohort graduation rate for is 85.7 percent. The 4.2 point difference between the four-year and legacy rates is attributed to the differences in each formula.
While both rates count the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma, the legacy rate provides a snapshot of high school graduation and completion in a given year.
The four-year adjusted cohort rate places students in a permanent cohort when they enroll in a public high school and counts how many graduate in four years.
dpi.wi.gov/eis/pdf/dpinr2011_43.pdf dpi.wi.gov/eis/pdf/dpinr2011_43.pdf dpi.wi.gov/graduation/pdf/gradrthandout.pdf
Expected Transfers with No Evidence of Move Retentions & Graduates taking more than 4 years HSED or Other Certificate in less than 4 years Annual dropouts returning in a later year Small District Size
Expected Transfer Responses Exit Type Report High School Completer Counts Transfers and Other Exits Dropout Report
District Lock Schools with No Enrollment Missing Child Count Data Missing or Low Charter School Enrollment Missing or Low Homeless Student Counts
Other Credential Type Migrant Student Data Free & Reduced Lunch Data Special Education Data
Dropout Retention Attendance Expulsion