GRAFFITI GIRL by Kelly Parra Recommended by Erik Estrada, Marlen Ortiz, Angel Gonzalez & Agustin Lara
Who is the main character? Name: Angel Rodriguez Age: 17 Talents, Skills, Important Traits: She’s a graffiti artist. Three Descriptive Adjectives: talented, serious, brave. “Don’t even laugh” (Parra 66).
Who is a supporting character? Name: Nathan Age: 18 Talents, Skills, Important Traits: artist Three Descriptive Adjectives: honest, nice, dedicated. “It wasn’t an easy choice” (Parra 55).
What is the story about? Setting (Time, Place, Environment, Etc.): Los Angeles, California Main Conflict: She meets a boy named Miguel and she gets into graffiti.
What is one of the major themes? Definition of Theme: Love “He knows I like him” (Parra 60).
What is one important scene? An important scene is when Angel fights Miguel. Its an important scene because it changes their friendship.
Visual Image from an important scene Angel This scene is important because it shows Angel showing her skills in graffiti and what she wants to be in the future.
What connections can you make to this book? Compare to another book or to a current media/local/world situation: Los Angeles is like the city of Chicago. Explain: Graffiti is a big thing in both cities.
Why should you read this book? People should read this book because it’s an interesting book to read. Most people can relate to this book in a lot of different ways.