Brentwood Union Free School District 2006 Bond Referendum Capital Improvement Program Pool Phase, All Alternates April 19, 2007 Prepared by:
Pool Phase “Ross House Pool” Bids have been received from all Contractors and have been evaluated. The Architect and CM have reviewed all bids and have conducted Contractor qualification meetings for all apparent low bidders. The Architect and CM have generated a letter of recommendation to the District for each qualified low bidder associated with the project. The Board of Education has awarded the Pool project. Kick-off meetings to be set up. Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-1 New Changing Area and Storage Room Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-2 Spectator Seating Area Expansion Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-3 Diving Area Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-4 Replace Entire Existing Roof Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-5 Ceramic Wall Tile At “Project East” Wall Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-6 Ceramic Tile At “Project North” Wall Brentwood UFSD
Alt. G-8 New Ceiling and Floor at Vestibules Brentwood UFSD