Who Likes RattleSnakes ? by Cole Crider
Interactions with Other Plants and Animals They eat small animals like, rabbits and mice. They are prey to kingsnake, roadrunners, pigs, eagles and hawks.
Predator and Prey Bigger ones eat rats or even rabbits.
Snake Prey A small rattlesnake will eat small rodents and lizards A larger snake will eat rats or even rabbits.
Slick Skin The eastern diamondback is 3.5 to 5.5 feet long. Western diamondback rattlesnakes are usually a dusty looking gray to brown color.
Snake Hangout They are found on flat, open plains, rocky hillsides and canyons. They live in cactus, sagebrush and grasslands
Weather and Temperature for Rattlesnakes Warmer during the day. Colder at night.
Do Snakes Hibernate or Migrate ? They hibernate in rodent burows.
Are Snakes Effected By Pollution Yes, especially water snakes.
Snake Adaptations A diamondback rattlesnake has heat sensing pits near the nose. They have poison fangs. They also have a rattle.
Animal noises Rattlesnake Rattlesnake 2
Snakes in the Jungle The rattlesnake cant live in the jungle because it is too wet.
Extra Cool Stuff They can even see heat! They can smell with their tongue! They can change their skin! Last but not least their venom can kill and cure!