1 Caltrans State Programs Wendy Johnsen Caltrans, Division of Mass Transportation March 19, 2009
2 Updates Prop 1B PTMISEA updates TDA Audit requirement Annual report to the CTC, legislature, and website. AB 1072 Researching various issues Survey results from November
3 PTMISEA Funds are currently frozen FY 8/9 Cycle 1 survey Continuing to accept FY 8/9 Cycle 2 requests until April 15, 2009
4 TDA Audit Requirement PTMISEA audits need to be included in annual TDA audits.
5 PTMISEA FY 2007/08 CTC Annual Report Gov Code (g) requires the Division of Mass Transportation to report annually to the CTC
6 AB 1072 AB 1072, Sponsored by Assembly Member Eng, will continue the program throughout the life of the bond and apply the current formula.
7 Research Areas Several research projects underway Caltrans is working with our districts and local agencies to identify key issues transit providers are facing Our goal is to identify all challenges and help find or create a solution The main areas are Operations, Design, Funding, and Research Let us know if you have new suggestions
8 Survey Results DMT invited the participants of the fall joint CalACT/CTA conference to take part in a survey on Barriers to Implementing transit projects on the State Highway System. Participation was very good and we appreciate your insight A summary of the results can be found on our website, under “Items of Interest”
9 Results 42 agencies responded to the survey and approximately 90 people attended the evening session at the conference. Most answers related to funding Several answers asked for improved communication and information sharing A few raised specific issues
10 DMT activities Training and workshops –Example “Bus Rapid Transit - Policy & System Operation Basics” held via webinar BRT Technical Advisory Committee –Next meeting April 2, 2009
11 DMT activities Problem Statements Integrate BRT into the California Transportation Plan Bus on Shoulder operations guidance State and Clarify the Purpose and Need for Project Initiation Document (PID) and Project Study Report (PSR)
12 Thank you! Any questions or feedback please contact (916)