PG6001: STEPS – Scientific writing and communication Professor Alan Kelly School of Food and Nutritional Sciences
Who is this module aimed at? Students engaged in research at postgraduate level (taught and research Masters and PhD) who: oWant to understand research process and the scientific process oNeed to write a high-level thesis (short or long) oNeed to publish oNeed to communicate/present about their work Delivered in two parts: January 7/8 and April (TBC)
What is this course for? oUnderstand the scientific landscape and how research is published and disseminated oLearn how to write your own scientific documents and get feedback abstracts papers thesis oLearn how to make a scientific presentation and get feedback oLearn different styles of communication for different audiences oGet practice on publishing systems oPractice your skills and get direct feedback
Practicalities Delivered by Professor Alan Kelly Guest speakers from across UCC (Library/Communication/Technology Transfer Office/Computer Centre/Electronic Publishing Unit/Careeers Service/experienced research students) Max class size: 120 To sign up: On-line form to be circulated in next 4-6 weeks