TRUE or FALSE? 1. In first degree burns, only the epidermis is damaged.
TRUE or FALSE? 2. Groups of cells form organs.
TRUE or FALSE? 3. The coccyx is superior to the sacrum.
TRUE or FALSE? 4. The body contains 206 bones.
TRUE or FALSE? 5. The sebaceous glands produce sweat.
TRUE or FALSE? 7. The hyoid bone is the only bone in the body that does NOT articulate with any other bone.
TRUE or FALSE? 8. A tendon connects bone to bone, while a ligament attaches muscle to bone.
TRUE or FALSE? 9. Comminuted, compression and greenstick are all types of joints.
TRUE or FALSE? 10. The patella is distal to the metatarsals.
11. A plane that divides the body lengthwise into equal right and left arts is called: Tranverse oblique frontal coronal Median (midsagittal)
Which of the following is used to detect melanoma? All of the above Measuring the space between moles The “rule of nines” Determining the times it takes for skin to tan without burning The ABCD rule
Which epidermal layer is only found in the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet? granulosum spinosum basale lucidum dermis
Sebum is another word for… nails Synovial fluid Hair follicles sweat oil
Which vertebrae include bones that allow humans to nod “yes” and shake the head “no”? Both lumbar and cervical coccyx thoracic lumbar cervical
True ribs differ from false ribs because they… They are attached to the lumbar vertebrae They originate from the vertebrae Do not articulate directly with the sternum at all (floating ribs) Articulate directly with bone, not cartilage Articulate directly with the sternum
The human ribcage contains 12 true ribs and 7 false ribs 5 true ribs, 5 false ribs and 2 floating ribs 8 true ribs and 5 floating ribs 5 true ribs and 7 false ribs 7 true ribs and 5 false ribs
Bones of the ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae make up the Vertebral column Pectoral girdle Pelvic girdle Appendicular skeleton Bony thorax
Ossification is the process by which Old bone cells are broken down Melanin is produced A hematoma is formed Bone fractures occur New bone cells form
Which type of bone fracture is most common in athletes? comminuted greenstick depressed compression spiral
Which type of bone fracture results in a bone breaking in many fragments? depressed greenstick impacted spiral comminuted
clavicle patella pelvis tarsals metacarpals Hand bones Hip bone collarbone Knee cap Ankle bones Match each bone on left to its matching description or nickname on right.
Name these groups of bone. A B C D E cervical First two = atlas & axis coccyx sacrum thoracic lumbar What are the first two vertebra (C1 and C2) called? Which one connects to the skull?
Which of these is NOT a type of muscle? skeletal cardiac smooth involuntary
Which of the following is true? Ligaments and tendons are composed of skeletal muscle Blood vessels are made of cardiac muscle The stomach and intestines are made of skeletal muscle The brain is made of smooth muscle Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart
The sliding filament theory Describes the movement of a ball & socket joint Describes the relationship between tendons and muscles Describe how muscles are formed Describes how muscles relax Describes how muscles contract
Which of the following occurs first during muscle contraction Z-lines move closer together Actin heads pivot exposing the active sites Myosin crossbridges attach to actin heads ATP molecules are broken to release energy Ca+ ions enter the sarcomere
Which of the following muscles are NOT located in the head? temporalis frontalis buccinator masseter sartorius
Which of the following muscles is NOT located on the anterior side of the body? Tibialis anterior Rectus femoris External oblique Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi
Which of the following muscles are not found on the shoulders or arms? Triceps brachii Trapezius Biceps brachii Deltoid Biceps femoris