A coordinated approach to water in Europe Harro Riedstra, EWP.


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Presentation transcript:

A coordinated approach to water in Europe Harro Riedstra, EWP

European Water Partnership Independent, non-profit organisation helping to coordinate initiatives and activities in international water issues and undertaking worldwide promotion of European expertise related to water 2009: - Aquawareness - European Regional Coordination fifth World Water Forum Istanbul - Climate Change Adaptation and Water - European Water House

EWP history and Mission The European Water Partnership is an open forum for  Private sector,  Government bodies (regional, national and local),  Knowledge institutes,  Financial sector and,  NGOs aiming to find innovative solutions for the water challenges in wider Europe and the rest of the World and to stimulate innovative partnerships. History:  Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform  European Regional Process for the 4th World Water Forum  need for broad European coordination EWP Created March 2006

Objectives (1)  Putting water on the mainstream political and business agenda  Increasing and developing co-operation between all stakeholders  Promoting: - Innovation - European expertise - Achievement of MDG’s and Horizon New procurement approaches

Objectives (2)  Mobilise funding for innovative water solutions  Supporting effective implementation of European legislation  Building a reference base of projects with tangible examples, and visible user impact

Membership  Broad representation: currently over 50 members  Benefits of Membership of the European Water Partnership:  Network and knowledge  Involvement in European policymaking and legislation  Participation in European initiatives and projects  Demonstration of commitment to addressing the water crisis  Broadening of sector boundaries – stepping outside the traditional water sector

Overview of activities Aquawareness European regional coordination, Istanbul 2009 Dialogue Climate Change Adaptation and Water Dialogue Climate Change Adaptation and Water European Water House European Water House

Aquawareness Programme Raising awareness among all European stakeholders

Water Vision for Europe regional workshops regional workshops elaborated joint commitments towards sustainable water management, generated region specific points and started a map of activities already implementing the Vision aims vision mapping vision mapping presents the status quo of Europe’s water and includes a gap analysis of recommended actions for European decision makers vision animation vision animation translates complex water issues into understandable language

Vision mapping What is vision mapping?  Survey in Europe to find out:  What is already in place to achieve the vision aims  The status quo on the vision in Europe  What is missing to achieve the aims of the vision for Europe  Policy recommendations to new commission presented in November  Initiating projects along the way  Envisioned actions that are first steps to 2030

Water Awareness Youth Youth : Generation Blue International & European Youth Water Parliament Summer school Summer school for decision makers European Water Barometer Information exchange platform

ASSESS How to evaluate and assess SWM? COMMUNICATE How to promote SWM? Water Stewardship Project Agriculture IndustryTourism Public Private “Communication of SWM” DEFINE What are the SWM principles and requirements?

Fifth World Water Forum European Regional Process - Momentum of the Forum created progress for existing projects - Large involvement (new) stakeholders Main results include: Extension network (East, South) Progress on eight themes, including: - Climate Change Adaptation and Water – Stronger Cooperation in Europe - Aquawareness – Water Vision for Europe

Increased momentum – examples Climate Change Adaptation and Water – the need for increased cooperation in Europe European Policy Summit ’08 – Call for increased cooperation Highlevel Roundtable Conference 12 and 13 March  European Dialogue on Climate Change Adaptation and Water (focusing on specific “niches”, setting up cooperation, exchange and concrete projects) AquawarenessWater Vision for Europe Aquawareness – Water Vision for Europe

The place that will give your Water Vision the chance to be reality! The European Water House will aim at demonstrating the vast potential of appropriate water technology, its practical applications as well as exhibiting education tools for a sustainable management of water in Europe. It will help you … Be visible Be understandable Be understood Be sustainable!