ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, 20141 Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Jesse Marsh Atelier Studio Associato


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Presentation transcript:

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Jesse Marsh Atelier Studio Associato

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role EU Budget

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role The Silent Revolution SOURCE: LANDABASO, 2010 FP 7 + CIP

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Smart Specialisation Focus on innovation to address crisis Policy as a process Orientation to results Open, participatory, emergent Social innovation «Entrepreneurial discovery» Place-based approach to specialisation Regional strengths, macro-regional ecosystems

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Social Innovation Social demand innovations Respond to social demands that are traditionally not addressed by the market or existing institutions and are directed towards vulnerable groups in society. Societal Challenges Focuses on innovations of society as a whole through the integration of the social, the economic, and the environmental. Systemic change The most ambitious and to an extent encompassing the other two, is achieved through a process of organisational development and changes in relations between institutions and stakeholders. BEPA, «Empowering people, driving change: Social innovation in the European Union», 2011

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Innovation Landscape Source: Marsh 2013 (FormezPA – S3 Sicily)

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Territorial innovation Source: Marsh 2011 (ERDF TC MED MedLab Project) Territorial Innovation ICT (as KET) Territorial Capital

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Territorial aspects What can we learn by looking at the territorial dimension? ESPON: European Spatial Planning Observatory Network Do different qualities of Territorial Capital lead to different potentials for «humanness»? How should this potential be used to steer funding strategies for Human Smart Cities? Place-based Smart Specialisation

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Are powerful cities the smart ones? Europe’s great cities are the gateways for international networks… ESPON FOCI Study

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Where does innovation happen? Territorial diffusion spreads differently from different cities … ESPON KIT Study

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Are only big cities smart? Diffusion of Small and Medium Sized Towns… ESPON TOWN Study

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Where are people moving to? Migration and visiting populations in Europe… ESPON ATTREG Study

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role And where are they staying? Retention rates for different age groups… ESPON ATTREG Study

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role HSC as Research Sector Policies (energy, transport, health etc.) ICT (Open data, apps, platforms) Social Innovation (participatory action, citizen engagement)

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Funding in H2020 Sector Policies – ICT Societal Challenges with ICT, eg ICT for Energy Sector applications in ICT research eg FI, cloud, Big data Sector Policies – Social Innovation CIP integrated into H2020 SSH integrated into Societal Challenges Social Innovation – ICT Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation Living Labs support found in eGovernment Can Research be “territorialized”?

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role HSC as Urban Regeneration R&D Priorities (ICT as FET) Territorial Cohesion (Urban inclusion) Social Innovation (innovating social policies)

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Funding with Structural Funds Smart Specialisation for Regional OPs Digital agenda promoting open government Smart Cities often identified as policy priority Social innovation in ESF Funding lines dedicated to urban services Urban Agenda (City OPs) Emphasis on Territorial Cohesion JESSICA funds Supporting access to ERDF funding Innovation capacity evaluated as urban capital Is territorial innovation really being understood?

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Living Labs for Policy Engaging local actors to support «discovery» of a territory’s innovation potential Reading and harnessing hidden energies in local territories and communities Creatively identifying opportunities for institutional and process innovation Co-designing new models for employment, well-being, and inclusiveness Using our money to fund what is actually «human» and what is actually «smart»

ENoLL Summer SchoolAmsterdam, 3 September, Funding Human Smart Cities and the Smart Specialisation Role Thank you for your attention Jesse Marsh Atelier Studio Associato