Biosynthesis of monomers Glucose synthesis from organic compounds –Process is called gluconeogenesis –Most cells can carry out gluconeogenesis from phosphoenolpyruvate –Many bacteria can use oxaloacetate as starting material Glucose synthesis from CO 2 is more complex (CO 2 fixation) –Calvin Cycle Glyoxylate shunt is used to regenerate compounds in the citric acid cycle when intermediates are diverted for biosynthesis (see figure 4.20 page 127)
UDPG and carbohydrate synthesis
Glycogen synthesis
Pentose synthesis
Ammonia assimilation Assimilation means biosynthesis, usually referring to inorganic molecules The product of ammonia assimilation is usually an amino acid –Glutamate dehydrogenase –Glutamine synthetase Amines are then transaminated
Ammonia assimilation
Amino acid synthesis: glutamate and aspartate groups
Amino acid synthesis: alanine, serine, aromatic, and histidine groups
Fatty acid synthesis: initiation
Fatty acid synthesis: elongation