We will finish going over the common vocabulary for this unit. Warm Up
Identify the major characteristics that define the Civil Rights Era. Quick Review
Election of first African American President (Barack Obama) Appointment of first Hispanic woman to Supreme Court (Sonia Sotomayor) January 29, Obama Signs Equal-Pay legislation so that women would be guaranteed equal pay for equal work.
Collection SNL Tina Fey Sarah Palin Joe Biden Sarah Palin, Tina Fey on SNL Celebrity ad: "Vote"
What population of the United States are these ads and media trying to influence? Might these ads also influence who to vote for and not just getting out to vote? Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question:
October 28, 2009 – Passage of the hate crimes bill that banned the assault of people based on their sexual orientation or gender identification. September 20, The legislative repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on gays severing opening in the military took effect.
January 27, 2013 – Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta lifted the ban on women in combat. Women can now serve in combat roles in the U.S. armed forces. US military's ban on women serving in combat lifted Women train for Afghanistan frontline Conversation about the concerns this raises for women..
49 states have anti-bullying laws for public schools. Many states also have cyber-bullying laws. The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act is part of the No Child Left Behind Act of It provides federal support to promote school safety but does not specifically address bullying and harassment in schools. There are no federal laws dealing directly with school bullying; however, bullying may trigger responsibilities under one or more of the federal anti-discrimination laws enforced by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
People in the 21 st century are citing the 1964 Civil Rights Act as they argue against age discrimination as well as including women in the workforce who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Several states have laws prohibiting discrimination based on national origin (birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics).
In what areas have civil rights in the 21 st century expanded from the issue of race? Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question:
Increase in voter registration Increase in voter turnouts Increase in number of minorities running for office and elected into office (local, state and national level) Laws to end racial segregation
What changes and events in the United States that have resulted from the civil rights movement? Go to your read-a-long page. Discuss with your partner the following question:
Looking at the following pictures, pick one that you feel represents one of the biggest issue in civil rights in the 21 st century.