College Night for Parents of the Class of
Tonight’s Agenda overview of college application process introduction to Naviance Family Connection what to expect for spring/summer/fall time for questions
NACAC Admissions Factors 2014
Elements of a College Application Application (almost always done online) Teacher recommendations (two) Personal Statement/Essay Counselor recommendation SAT/ACT scores
Standardized Testing SAT upcoming dates: March 5, May 7, June ACT upcoming dates: Feb 6, April 9, June All students strongly advised to take BOTH
SAT II’s (a.k.a. SAT Subject Tests) most colleges do not require some colleges DO require (usually 2) take in June or fall of senior year one hour tests given on regular SAT test dates
New SAT (themes) emphasis on citing evidence, including Math informational data graphics, including R&W reading wide range of texts incl. “Founding Documents” math focus is narrower--more algebra, less geometry--and deeper--fewer topics but more in depth questions essay requires students to explain and analyze an author’s argument
New SAT (details) 3 sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and the Essay 3-hours long no advanced vocabulary or sentence completions return to 1600 point scale no penalty for wrong answers
FREE! SAT Test Prep
ACT since 2011 more students take ACT than SAT includes tests in English, Math, Reading, and Science many schools require the “optional” writing section....sign up for ACT w/ WRITING covers more topics in math than new SAT less emphasis on data graphics
Very important note about SAT/ACT Official standardized test scores MUST be sent to the colleges directly from the testing agency This is the responsibility of the applicant
Teacher Recommendations Provide a snapshot of student’s performance in the classroom; use anecdotes and specific details Should be written by a teacher--not a coach, pastor, family friend Every student will need two Letters are confidential Students must request letters from teachers and keep teachers informed of deadlines
The College Essay the hardest part of the application students will attend college essay workshop prior to summer vacation all students will submit a draft of college essay on first day of 12th grade revisions will take place throughout the fall
Text $10 on Amazon
Naviance Family Connection online college planning tool used for college research, college lists, student resume, tracking applications can be accessed online anywhere
First time users, remember to log in here using your temporary password. First time users, remember to log in here using your temporary password.
Building the college list using Naviance student, parent, counselor can add colleges to the list lists are not set in stone--colleges can be added or subtracted the goal: to start the summer with a list of at least 6 colleges representing a range of selectivity
Naviance College Info Page
Using Naviance to research colleges College Match College Search College Info Pages Scattergrams
Text Naviance Feature: College Match
Naviance Feature: College Search
WARNING: Use caution when analyzing scattergrams Naviance Scattergrams include only the past four years of admissions data from BA Scattergrams plot student GPA and SAT/ACT scores Current student SAT/ACT scores are uploaded to Naviance throughout the year; GPA’s are uploaded at end of year Scattergrams are NOT a guarantee
Univ of SC Scattergram
Resources for College Research College websites: requirements, deadlines, application info, admissions counselor contacts, majors, Net Price Calculator Networking: ask friends, family, colleagues Naviance: college pages, scattergrams Online blogs: College Confidential, YouTube VISIT!
$$Paying for College$$ Financial Aid meeting for parents will be held again in November 2016 Plan to fill out the FAFSA in January 2017 prior-prior reporting (new for 2017) Scholarships: search online, use Naviance, plan to visit College Advising office for up to date scholarship news next year Use Net Price Calculator to estimate cost of attendance and EFC (Estimated Family Contribution)
National Scholarship Search in Naviance
SC Life Scholarship students must meet two of three criteria at least 1100 on SAT or 24 on ACT 3.0 GPA top 30% of class
Useful Online Resources
m links to college-related articles, planning calendars, scholarship and financial aid info, news
sign up for SAT Big Future: research colleges, scholarship search
College Board’s Big Future
Online Resources for Financial Aid
Role of the College Advisor Get to know each student in order to offer relevant advice regarding colleges Suggest college matches to individual students based on a range of criteria Assist students in refining their college list to reflect a range of selectivity Guide students throughout the process Write college recommendation for each senior Forward admissions documentation (not including standardized testing) to colleges including transcripts and recommendations
Role of the Student Maximize opportunities at BA both inside and out of classroom Engage in the process of self-assessment and reflection with an open mind---strengths, weaknesses, goals, expectations Meet College Advising deadlines including required Naviance updates and the college essay Register for standardized tests / send official scores to colleges Communicate with College Advisor; respond to s; attend scheduled meetings Request letters of recommendation from teachers Submit required admission applications and related forms before deadlines
Role of the Parent Be realistic in matching your expectations with those of your student. Support your student while giving them the freedom and responsibility to manage the college process directly. Remember: colleges want to hear from and get to know your student, not you. Help student organize and plan college visits. Engage early in the financial aid process. Use Net Price Calculators to estimate cost of attendance.
College Planning Items for Spring/Summer 2016 student resume college list---at least 6 schools college visits college essay workshop (May) SAT or ACT testing and prep parent questionnaire
Looking ahead to First application deadlines in October If your student has a clear first choice by next fall, explore early decision/early deadline options. See College Advisor to discuss. Additional SAT or ACT testing Individual and group college advising meetings will continue throughout the year Parent meetings, s, phone calls are always welcome