The Communication Process Figure 15.1
Communication does not take place unless … … a common understanding is reached
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator An instrument for measuring a person’s preferences Has widespread use Uses four basic scales with opposite poles, resulting in 16 personality types
Things to Consider Categorizing and generalizing people can be “dangerous” But the MBTI is about understanding people Self-reported data can be inaccurate But there is a certain amount of inaccuracy in all data Each type is a continuum scale Your preferred type assumes a free choice People respond against their type when presented with special circumstances or roles
Extroversion - Introversion Where (primarily) do you get your energy? E – the outer world of activity & words I – the inner world of ideas & thoughts Communication Conflict Resolution Motivation Leadership
Sensing - iNtuition How do you prefer to take in and process information? S – by facts or familiar terms N – by possibilities or new potential Communication Conflict Resolution Motivation Leadership
Thinking - Feeling How do you prefer to make decisions? Communication T – focus on logic and objective considerations F – focus on personal values and needs Communication Conflict Resolution Motivation Leadership
Judging - Perceiving How do you prefer to organize your life? J – in a structured way, making decisions and always knowing where you stand P – in a flexible way, discovering as you go Communication Conflict Resolution Motivation Leadership