TIGGE Archive Access at NCAR Steven Worley Doug Schuster Dave Stepaniak Hannah Wilcox
Background on TIGGE WMO World Weather Research Programme THORPEX THe Observing system Research and Predictability EXperiment THORPEX Interactive Global Grand Ensemble (TIGGE) Archive supports research Grand Ensemble = multiple NWP centers ensembles are combined (an ensemble of ensembles) 10 international NWP Centers contributing to TIGGE
Background on TIGGE Three mirrored archive centers NCAR ECMWF CMA {Shared System Development!} Daily Data Flow Metrics 245 GB 1.6 Million gridded fields as separate data packets
Data Receipt Archive Centre Current Data Provider NCAR NCEP CMC UKMO ECMWF MeteoFrance JMA KMA CMA BoM CPTEC IDD/LDM HTTP FTP Unidata IDD/LDM Internet Data Distribution / Local Data Manager Commodity internet application to send and receive data NCDC
Major Challenges Insure data receipt, build complete archive Collate data fields into different files types Exchange manifest files as part of IDD/LDM data transmission between Archive centers Verify send, receive Automated resend requests for missing fields Harvest and hold metadata in MySQL DB’s Identify location of every field in file set Updated often Critical for users interface and background data processing
Major Challenges Limited online storage – 4 TB, ≅ 2.0 weeks temporal coverage Full archive on NCAR Mass Storage System User registration and metrics required Accept data policy; for research and education only 48 hour delay from forecast initialization time
Major Challenges Access system must accurately display what data are available as users make selections Driven by multi-center research (Grand Ensemble) E.g., want to experiment with NCEP and JMA forecasts for 500 hPa temperatures Maximum common data is determine by JMA 12Z forecast initialization and 9-day forecast
Differences between centers
User access demonstration Animation, what you will see Multiple centers (ECMWF, UKMO, NCEP, CMA, CMC, KMA) Fields/Parameters (Geopotential Height, 2m Temperature) Levels (500 hPa, Single Level) Spatial and temporal ranges (Global, 3-days, 12Z initialization, 48 hour forecasts) Regridding to common spatial resolution (1.5°) Output format (netCDF)
Sample Data Request for an Event
Retrieve Completed Subset
Subset Request Animation
Gustav/Hannah Animation
Lessons Learned Manifest files and automated resend are critical for a complete archive The impact of different contributions from the NWP centers across archive cannot be under estimated There are important design considerations to insure prompt browser interactions Caching data from the DB
Lessons Learned Computational resource requirements ramp up quickly with multi-dimensional problems D’s, center, ensemble member, parameter, forecast length, etc. Archive file structure choices greatly impact subsetting ability TIGGE currently based on synoptic order Time-series by parameter could be better?
Future Consider adding storage resources to keep a longer period of data online Integrate more computation resources to reduce time to fill requests Create a way to re-stage MSS data to online for internet users
Outline Brief Background on TIGGE Archive Data Receipt Challenges Access Lessons Learn
User registration and metrics required Conditions for use Research and education only 48-hour delay on availability
Limited online storage – 5 TB, ≅ 2.5 weeks 1-2 TB additional storage for user request preparation Supplement Access Direct Archive File download, though interface or Research Data Archive (RDA) All data (200 TB) available through RDA from NCAR Mass Storage System TC data?