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Recap on the previous units I’ve tried to make it as concise as possible but there is a bit of writing, to ensure that you have some notes for each unit, without getting hand ache!
Unit 2: Connectivity Ready?
Connectivity LAN – Benefits of local area networks, sharing the internet connection, sharing files, sharing peripherals. Routers – connecting from a home network requires a router. It connects all the computers to the modem by giving them internal IP address, so it ‘knows’ where to send the data. Powerline – A powerline network uses existing power wiring as a framework to carry data. Home Networks
Connectivity Securing a network – set up encryption, set up media access control (MAC) address filtering, hiding the router by stopping the router broadcasting its service set identifier (SSID), turning off the router and reducing transmitter power. Encryption – scrambles data so that only computers with the right key can read it. Most common types are WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA 2. MAC – You can specify which addresses can connect to your wireless network. Network Security
Connectivity Communications technologies in different devices – GSM – 4G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Mini USB port, Firewire port, Ethernet port. Combining Technologies
Connectivity Bandwidth – The number of bits that can go through the network connection in 1 second. It is measured in bits per second (bps). Latency – Latency is the time in milliseconds between a bit leaving one device and arriving at the other. It is measured in milliseconds. For streaming videos from YouTube you need high bandwidth network connection. To get quick results from google you need low latency. Bandwidth and Latency
Connectivity Wi-Fi – Need to be in range of a wireless access point or hotspot, good range, speeds, widely available, can be hacked, cannot use if not in range. Mobile broadband – Allows devices to connect to the internet via the same network that 3G does. Mobile phones have the technology to pick up 3G signals built in, whereas other devices need a dongle. Greater coverage, more secure than wi-fi, have to pay can include roaming charges, downloads limited, lower bandwidth. Wi-Fi and Mobile Broadband
Connectivity Bluetooth – peer to peer network, allows devices to communicate automatically. Can connect eight devices, low power. Wi-Fi – The wi-fi Alliance has now introduced wi-fi direct, which allows devices to connect directly using wi-fi without the need for a wireless access point. Wi-Fi Direct allow users to set up peer-to-peer networks. Peer to peer networks
Connectivity VoIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol set the rules for transmitting audio messages. You can also use it to make video calls. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol use when an is sent from the sender’s client e.g. Outlook POP or POP3 – Post Office Protocol, read the , download to computer, delete off server. IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol, is read on the mail server, the is not deleted from the server. Communication Protocol
Connectivity HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the protocol used of the world wide web. HTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol is over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), the data transferred is encrypted so it can not be read by anyone expect the recipient. Digital Certificates – If you double click the padlock it will show the websites digital certificate. They are normally issues by companies such as Norton, they certify the identity but can be faked. Communication Protocol
Connectivity Remote Access – You can prevent remote access to your computer through firewall. It s software that permits or blocks connections between your computer and other computers. Viruses can still get in! Strong password – numbers, upper and lower case letters, punctuation marks Physical security – Chains and locks, RFID (radio frequency identification), use lock feature on computer, biometrics, security keypads on doors, burglar alarm, CCTV, swipe cards. Security risks in a network
Let’s have a break and do an activity… Log on to your computer… Create at least one of every type of question with a mark scheme, create it as a power point and me it when you have completed it. It must be based on connectivity. List State Identify Give Name Describe Explain Discuss Finished? Go to the common area; student area; computing and ICT; teacher resources; mrs costa/Vincent.