Crowdfunding for MGH Researchers MGH Research Council Meeting Monday, December 7, 2015
What is Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is a form of collaborative fundraising from large groups of people. It is enabled by the rise of online platforms that match people in need of capital with those who are interested in their cause. More than $5 billion in crowdfunding expected in 2015 * 30% of crowdfunding has gone to social causes Graphic: * Massolution 2015CF Crowdfunding Industry Reporthttp://
Crowdfunding at MGH The Development Office uses crowdfunding extensively through to support fundraising efforts of “grateful patients“ and “community fundraisers” — In FY2015 more than 200 external individuals and groups raised nearly $3 million in Community Fundraising. — In FY2015 more than 7,500 gifts were made online through the Mass General crowdfunding tool totaling $1.1 million PIs are being approached by vendors, non-profit sites and other crowdfunding providers, seeking to have them publicize their projects on these platforms. The Research Institute is seeking to leverage crowdfunding to support the work of PIs and successfully raise much-needed funding in a resource-scarce climate.
Crowdfunding Tools for MGH PIs The Development Office proposes extending its enterprise peer-to- peer/crowdfunding platform to support the work of PIs in effort to: — Keep fees low to allow more fundraising revenue back to projects — Allow Research Institute admin staff to serve as an internal resource — Protect the intellectual property of Mass General with thoroughly vetted terms and agreement by Legal — Ensuring that we own all donor data and site analytics — Reinforce credibility of project by leveraging the Mass General name We’ve created web portal to provide PIs with the needed background on crowdfunding and to help get you started We recognize there are third-party vendors that may be appropriate on a case-by-case basis — These would have to be approved through Legal and PHS Contracts and would likely not be supported by Research Institute and Development Staff
Crowdfunding Web Portal 5
Crowdfunding Application
Sample Research Project
Sample Page Created by a Grateful Patient 8
Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns Fundraiser has vast network of contacts who may become potential donors Fundraiser has time to invest in creating content, promoting campaign and providing updates to donors Potential donors have a strong connection with fundraiser and very “project aware” Potential donors understand value of funding the work/project Potential donors find project’s goals and outcomes accessible Potential donors want to share the importance of the project and reach out on its behalf 9
Self Service Approach Donors get solicitations from PI and Give PI Identifies Funding Need
MGH Crowdfunding Web Portal Serves to educate PIs at MGH on crowdfunding Provides guidelines and overview Helps guide PI in decision making process Houses crowdfunding application Allows for stakeholders to engage with staff and stay informed about activity 1. PI Visits Crowfunding Web Portal
Crowdfunding Application for MGH PIs Self-service/user driven Asks PIs a series of questions and serves to gather needed info for Research Institute Admin PI identifies existing sundry fund PI defines audience PI defines goal PI provides overview and additional info Provides notifications to Research Admin Recommends PIs use our tool as part of the application process 2. PI Completes Application
Research Institute Review Application 3. RI Admin + Dept. Approves Project RI admin receives notification of pending application Review PI provided info Validate sundry fund Validate manager approval Provides follow-up info to PI and sign up link to start building approved page
PI Sets up and Markets Project Page PI creates content that speaks to the audience, articulates the goal and the promise of reaching it — Communicates the unique selling proposition of the project and why it matters to potential donors — Uses images and video to show the work — Focus on accessible and consistent message — Updates as progress continues and outcomes are reached PI develops outreach plan to their external networks through , social media, direct mail PI provides follow-up information and closure, project outcomes PI sets up name recognition for future marketing 3. PI Sets Up Project Page
Profile of a Successful Donor Someone who has a vested interest in advancing care in a line of investigation Generally knows PIs or is “project aware” – past students, business associates, friends, colleagues at other institutions* and yes, even family May have general interest in research area Understands value of project Finds project goals and outcomes accessible Wants to share the importance of the project and reach out on its behalf * Mass General’s fundraising policy prohibits employees from soliciting other employees Donors get solicitations from PI and Give
Research Institute as a Resource Brian Burns and Brian Wilson will serve as internal Research Institute staff to help triage questions on use of crowdfunding tool. Questions can be sent to Research Institute crowdfunding web portal: fundraising/crowfunding-by-mgh-staff/ fundraising/crowfunding-by-mgh-staff/