Mauryan Empire Under two rulers: Chandragupta & Asoka
Chandragupta Maurya Asoka Maurya How power was gained an Empire expanded? Born in a power kingdom on the lower Ganges Gathered an army, killed the ruling king, claimed the throne and began the Mauryan Empire After his father ruled for a short time, he assumed the throne in 268 B.C Fought a long bloody war to conquer the Deccan region. Horrified by the slaughter: 100,000 dead, he made no further conquests How power was maintained? Created a highly bureaucratic (organized) government Divided empire into 4, each headed by a royal prince Ruled harshly: always had a guard of armed women surrounding him who killed anyone who came inside their lines. After being horrified by the bloody battles of the war over the Deccan region, he converted to Buddhism. rejected violence, ruled peacefully by moral example Promised to treat his subjects fairly and humanely. Achievements accomplished? Built the largest city in the world at the time. Palace contained gold-pillars, fountains, and thrones. Capital city featured parks and markets Built roads to visit all corners of his empire. Built rest houses for travelers. Built hospitals Sent missionaries across India and surrounding areas to spread Buddhism. supported religious tolerance. What became of the Empire upon death? Voluntarily gave up his throne Grandson, Asoka, took power. Empire began to break up after his death.
Asoka’s Rock and Pillar Edicts “This edict has been written for the following purpose: that the judicial officers of the city may strive to do their duty and that the people under them might not suffer unjust imprisonment or harsh treatment. To achieve this, I will send out Mahamatras every five years who are not harsh or cruel, but who are merciful and who can ascertain if the judicial officers have understood my purpose and are acting according to my instructions.”
Asoka’s Pillar Edict They are similar in that both sets of laws were made public for all to see. How did the laws differ? Hammurabi's Code