Update on DST participation in COP17 Thomas Auf der Heyde Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology 23 November 2011
Technology Transfer in the UNFCCC Ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) Ad Hoc Working Group on Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) AWG-LCA –Mitigation, Adaptation, Financing, Technology Transfer Cancun (2010) established the Technology Executive Committee (TEC), and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Technology Transfer Negotiations TEC established in June/July 2011 –African Group nominations are Algeria, Kenya & Sudan –SA to serve as an observer in the TEC for 2012 –SA through DST participated in the first meeting of the TEC –Opportunity to make inputs through African and G77 and China Groups representatives. Climate Technology Centre and Network –Relation of TEC to CTCN –Selection criteria and process for CTCN host –Governance structure Key outcome for COP17 is establishment of TEC CTCN
Interventions to advance negotiations Climate Technology Centre and Network (G77 & China) –South Africa and UAE: selection procedure and the evaluation criteria for the CTCN host(s) –India and Belize will focus on issues related to the governance of the CTCN Intellectual Property Rights –Bolivia, Ecuador, India expected to raise IPR issue –To minimize the risk of IPR destabilizing the negotiations: Met with the DTI to agree on principles (October 2011) Wrote to Indian technology transfer negotiator to test their position In the first days of the negotiations in Durban meet Bolivia and India
DST COP17 projects Pre-COP17 (Tag A) –Most of these are completed During COP17 (Tag A) –Mostly preparations are on schedule (delivery of material to Durban has commenced) –Department of Economic Development will also showcase the Joule –Mzanzi House will be showcased in form of a “3-Dimensional Hologram”