HOW IT STARTED This idea started when I was just 12 years old and I thought to myself what if my package make it home before I do. So I was like if only they could make a voic thing into the doorbell.
HOW IT WORKS My idea is called the ring mail because have you ever had someone ring on your doorbell and it might be something important and your not home. So I had an idea what if someone rang on your doorbell and they left a voic but its hologram and you see who it is and what they want.
SEE IT IN ACTION You see it can be outside or inside and it works day or night. The hologram isn’t hard to install into your house or out your house it only takes 5 min with or with out help but that’s just guest.
REASON WHYTHE HOLOGRAM Because America is in the technology phase and in time things will be more advanced so the hologram is make more futuristic and also its cool to use
PRICE Its not that expensive it only cost $100 because it was like $1,000 but no one would buy this for $1,000, but anyway it is a good resource.