A: Trial Courts-hear evidence and arguments of the parties in a case.
1. Judge hears the case and decides. No jury- called bench trials b/cause judge is the jury. 2. ex: family law, traffic violations, mental hospitalization 3. Civil lawsuits under $10,000 4. Misdemeanors; shoplifting under $1000, vandalism, etc. 5. May see witnesses. 6. Plaintiff v. Defendant Trial Courts/District Courts
1. Handle civil cases involving more than $10,000 and felonies. 2. Jury trial with witnesses on both sides. 3. Felonies tried in Superior court; serious crimes- rape, murder, arson, robbery etc. 4. in capital cases, jury decides the sentence as well as delivers verdict. 5. State v. Defendant 6. Prosecutor is the attorney who works for the state 7. Defense attorney represents the defendant. B: Superior Courts
1. Magistrates: issue search warrants and arrest warrants. 2. District Attorney (DA’s) represent the state in all criminal cases in district and superior courts. 3. Public Defenders: state employees ( salaries paid for by taxpayers) who represent low-income persons accused of crimes. C:Judicial Officers
1. Hears most cases appealed from the state’s trial courts. 2. Can find the appealed case in order and the lower court ruling stands. Can find mistakes in the trial and remand the case back to the lower court, which means case has to start over. Can reverse the decision and the person goes free. D: NC Appellate Courts
1. Highest court in North Carolina 2. reviews cases from lower courts 3. Interprets state constitution and if North Carolina legislators or Governor have violated it 4. voters elect the Chief Justice and 6 Associate Justices 4. 7 Judges sit on the State Supreme Court E: North Carolina Supreme Court