Triumphs & Challenges of the Civil Rights Movement What are issues that come up during the Civil Rights Movement?
Civil Rights Through 1963 Till case opened America’s eyes to the plight of blacks in the south Rosa Parks refusal sparks Montgomery Bus boycott Brown v. Board of Ed ends school segregation – “Little Rock Nine” MLK’s SCLC begins peaceful protest, SNCC starts sit-ins JFK helps James Meredith integrate Ole Miss
Freedom Riders CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) wants to test new bus desegregation laws Blacks and whites board two “Freedom Buses” to ride from Washington D.C. to New Orleans (May 1961) Both buses attacked, bus companies refuse to continue rides SNCC members arrive to carry on the fight and they’re attacked but US Marshall will protect Freedom Riders ICC bans segregation in all travel facilities (restrooms, lunch counters, waiting rooms)
Standing Firm Birmingham, Alabama was being rocked by racial violence “Bombingham” May 2-3: 1K Af-Am students march through Birmingham, met with fire hoses, police dogs, and clubs MLK plans Selma to Birmingham march March 7: Police in riot gear wait for marchers to cross Pettus bridge, protestors are beaten by police “Bloody Sunday” Sept.: Four young Af-Am girls killed when church is bombed
March on Washington 1963: SCLC organizes a march on Washington 250,000 people show Dr. King delivers his “I Have A Dream” speech
Freedom Summer CORE and SNCC members organize college students to register African Americans to vote in Mississippi Three workers (two white, one black) are murdered by KKK & police FBI sent to investigate the crime, they learn of a police cover up
Voting Rights Act of 1965 Congress passed a voting rights act in response to what happened in Summer 64 New law eliminated literacy tests/poll taxes & allows Federal examiners could enroll voters Overall, the % of registered African-American voters in the South TRIPLED!