The witch hunt By Ty Beasley


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Presentation transcript:

The witch hunt By Ty Beasley The crucible project The witch hunt By Ty Beasley

The crucible project This project introduces the crucible by posing the following question what should be done to keep the innocent from being accused and presumed guilty?

The Crucible Salem witch trials McCarthyism And other “witch hunts" throughout history

Crucible Written by Arthur Miller presents many characters,themes,behaivors. Over the source of the play mass hysteria arises in the town of Salem including an abundance of witchcraft accusations usually ending in death.

Crucible John proctor a character in the play is sometimes seen as a tragic hero. a tragic hero displays the qualities of prestige has a character flaw eliciting emotions and eventually suffering or dying.thoughout the play john proctor exhibits several characteristics of a tragic hero.

Crucible setting Late 1600,s Salem, Massachusetts Salem witch trials were taking place because of fear and accusations Based on actual historical events

Crucible Conflict-the main conflict of the play is between the Salem townspeople and the people accused of being witches .

The Crucible Exposition – Several girls from Salem have been playing at witchcraft in the forest with the slave Tituba they seem to be bewitched.

The Crucible Rising action- the witch hunt escalates and several women are tried for witchcraft and hung.

The crucible Climax- the proctors are accused of witchcraft. john confess his adultery to his wife, and she lies to the court order to save him.

The crucible Falling action-John proctors upholds his innocence. there are rumors of an uprising in a nearby town. Abigail flees Salem

The Crucible Resolution-John Proctors is hanged along with Rebecca nurse.beavuase she is pregnant, Elizabeth proctors life is spared

The Crucible Characters- John Proctor Abigail Williams Reverend john hale Elizabeth Proctor Reverend Parris

By Ty Beasley aka T-Money