EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use Workshop Objectives –Provide an overview and rationale for investigating pay-for-use options within EGI –Present potential models and outline the issues to be resolved and questions to be answered (technical and non-technical) –Understand how interested user communities can be involved –Define implementation plans for the final project year (EGI-InSPIRE) Agenda –Pay-for-Use Models and Pilot Group Overview – Sy Holsinger, –Billing and Accounting – Alison Packer, STFC (APEL Team) –Charging Users: NGI Use Case – Onur Temizsoylu, TUBITAK (TR NGI) –Q&A, Discussion and Refinement of Implementation Plans 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI Pay-for-Use and Pilot Group Sy Holsinger Strategy and Policy Officer, 20/09/2011 EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr
EGI-InSPIRE RI Content Context Exploratory Report Overview Brokerage Models Survey Summary Issues Pay-for-Use Pilot Group EGI Accounting Next steps Summary 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Context EGI operates within a publicly funded research and academic environment providing services free at point of delivery with resources bought from grants dedicated to certain groups or disciplines either by direct allocation or by peer review Increase flexibility and agility to attract a wider user base –On-demand and pay-for-use becoming increasing attractive by researchers e.g. Use of Amazon WS e.g. Areas of computational chemistry and bio communities using payment options Develop a more market driven approach –Messages from EC – status quo not an option –This morning: “achieving financial sustainability with proper positioning on the user pays/provider pays axis” Adapt to different funding models –Users who receive funds to purchase cloud services –Preparation for potential future changes in funding models Billing function part of JRA1 activities in EGI-InSPIRE DoW 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Exploratory Report Pay-for-use exploration paper endorsed by the EGI Council to: –Explore in more depth the legal and financial impacts of the different models on it, user communities and resource providers. –Implement the proof of concept described in the report with NGIs, Resource Centres and User Communities that are able to engage in this model and develop it further. –Assess the policy and legal issues that would need to be addressed if this model was to be adopted within EGI and the potential impact it could have. Described the actors and roles Presented brokerage models Outlined a potential experiment for a pilot group Defined short and long-term considerations Available on the agenda page 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Brokerage Models Roles and Functions –Federator: Provides the technology, processes and governance to enable access to an integrated set of services from autonomous organisations e.g. on a European Level – NGIs on an national level –Resource Provider: Offers access to ICT resources through service abstractions (e.g., computing power, storage) –Customer: Negotiates the level of services and commissions the service provider or broker and may pay, doing so on behalf of a number of consumers (users) –Consumer: T he person actually using the service (user). 3 Generic Brokerage Models –Independent Advisor: Pooled experts offering advice and consultancy –Matchmaker: Facilitating resource allocation –One Stop Stop: Handling full process including financial transactions 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Matchmaker Services Provided –Form of Resource Allocation Mgt. –Facilitates Agreements –Active service lifecycle support –Not financial transactions 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use Models – Evolving EGI Workshop - Jan 2013 Resource Provider Pros/Cons –(+) Promotion of services –(+) Receive targeted customers –(+) Balance of control over service delivery –(+) Shared Overheads/CRM –(-) Cross border complexity Customers Pros/Cons –(+) Find best solution –(+) Single point of contact for resource allocation –(-) Many-to-many relationship
EGI-InSPIRE RI One Stop Shop Services Provided –Service Publication –Contract/Agreement Negotiation –Handles financial transactions 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use Models – Evolving EGI Workshop - Jan 2013 Resource Provider Pros/Cons –(+) Promotion of services –(+) Receive targeted customers –(+) Single contact point for allocation, contracts/SLA, payments –(+) Streamlined Overhead/CRM –(-) 3rd party reliance Customers Pros/Cons –(+) Find best solution –(+) Single contact point for resource allocation, contracts/SLA, payment
EGI-InSPIRE RI Community Interest An initial survey was sent to all NGIs and Resource Centres –Gauge interest in participating in the experiment –Gather detailed information for those who are able and willing 17 Total Respondents –10 Interested: 6 NGIs and 4 Resources Centres Topics Covered –Preferred Payment Models –Services and Resources to contribute –Price –Legal Constraints –Applicable VAT –Potential User Communities –Open questions to be discussed 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Highlights and Considerations Services –Batch Processing Mixed offering between ARC, Globus, EMI, UNICORE, gLite –VM Management / Cloud Access Via OpenNebula/OCCI and WNodes/OpenSTACK Resources –Computing power, storage, and human support Pricing –Ranges between €0.03/hr - €0.15/hr +/- VAT 16-21% - others subject to negotiation or under investigation Payment Options –Indirect from end-users through Large number of customers, Cross-border, VAT exemption –Direct from end-users to Resource Centres Within same country, Low number of users –The method itself is not important, it should just be as simple as possible 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Issues Invoicing –50% stated no legal constraints around issuing invoices. –Some academic RCs cannot (by law or contract) sell services to third parties –Equipment funded by public money cannot be directly charged for the resources and issued an invoice Taxation –VAT applies to the majority of respondents One would depend on the type of institution being invoiced –Can indirect payments via reconcile tax burdens across Europe? Depends on services provided and to whom ERIC can potentially negotiate VAT exemption with host gov’t (not default) –Taxation information report prepared for Evolving EGI Workshop (Jan) 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use Pilot Group Objectives –Gather both resource providers and user communities as active participants. –Define how resources will be metered and accounted for through the Accounting Portal. –Perform a gap analysis of customer, consumer, broker and resource provider supporting services (either new or extensions to the current tools) that would enable the increased automation of the process once it has been manually established and subsequent development required for missing functionality. –Evaluate legal, policy, and organisational issues around the full implementation of the pay-for-use model. –Introduce a billing function (part of JRA1 accounting activities). –Submit a final report covering the overall activities and final output for EGI Management. 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Pilot Group Members Participants comprise a mix of, Technology and Resource Providers, User Communities and EGI-InSPIRE partners 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013 Sergio Andreozzi, Helmut Heller, BADW Axel Berg, SARA Sy Holsinger, EGI.EU Vincent Breton, CNRS Antonio Lagana, UNIPG Wilhelm Buehler, KIT-G Yannick Legre, CNRS Daniele Cesini, INFN Steven Newhouse, EGI.EU Alessandro Costantini, INFN Alison Packer, STFC Andrea Cristofori, INFN Serge Salamanka, UIIP NASB Feyza Eryol, TUBITAK ULAKBIM Diego Scardaci, INFN Tiziana Ferrari, EGI.EU Mariusz Sterzel, CYFRONET Luciano Gaido, INFN Achim Streit, KIT-G Sigve Haug, ETH ZURICH Onur Temizsoylu, TUBITAK ULAKBIM
EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI Accounting Initial call held with JRA1 Mgmt. and APEL (accounting tool) team members –Discuss current status and existing short term plans Billing service/function with the accounting system (part of EGI-InSPIRE DoW) Accounting grid services in EGI: –What kind of grid services are already using the EGI Accounting system e.g. CEs, SEs,... – map to the table of services in report offered by providers –What kind of data is collected in the accounting system about these services? What's the granularity? How up-to-date is the data? EGI Federated Cloud: –Which hypervisors are already connected to the EGI accounting service? –Which hypervisors will be connected to it? (integration is ongoing for these) –What kind of data can be collected from Federated Cloud sites? –What's the latency in the accounting system? e.g. how long after I used a site do I see in the accounting system this use? 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Next Steps Kick-off Pay-for-Use Pilot Group –Analyze technical systems (e.g. accounting) Identify billing system(s) (if any) that could be implemented using the EGI Accounting system without modifications Define the work needed to update the EGI Accounting system to support other billing systems - data to be added in the accounting repo, the effort needed, etc. (Presentation to follow) Engage more user communities –Currently Comp Chem through Turkish NGI (later presentation) Resources, services, and pricing –Define minimum resource requirements and finalize negotiations Define processes that need to be put in place Run first test phase Hold workshop at EGI Technical Forum 2013 – Madrid 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Summary Pay-for-use is an additional means to access resources via EGI –Not a replacement of the current system Created a framework for defining details –Offers flexibility for individual organizations to engage through different models –Defined the main areas of interest and potential issues to be solved and questions to be answered Potential Business Models part of longer-term discussion following the proof of concept Pragmatic and realistic approach to articulating the potential and barriers to implementing pay-for-use models within EGI 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Thank you! 20/09/ EGI Pay-for-Use – EGI CF’13 - Apr 2013