August 2013 Global National Conference Call Post IC Actions & Global Fund Pledging August 10, 2 pm ET Call: RESULTS the power to end poverty Guest Speaker: Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Author, UN Advisor
Opening the Call: Executive Director, Dr. Joanne Carter Key Points: Global Fund pledging moment International Conference success World Bank meeting update
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Author, Development Expert Key Points: How close are we to an AIDS-Free Generation? Why the Global Fund and US Leadership are critical? What will $15 B do? Q&A
Legislative Update: Legislative Director, John Fawcett Key Points: Global Fund update IC Follow Up & Successes Top actions World Bank meeting debrief
Development Update: Grassroots Development Associate, Cindy Levin Everyday Heroes Dash results “Celebration” envelopes BBQ fundraisers and other great ideas
Fundraising Update Everyday Hero Dash: Raised $1500, 66 participants, 35 in DC. Celebrate with RESULTS: Use new celebration envelopes or online tool. See example at: Set fundraiser dates! Great time for house party or backyard BBQ. Lots of time to plan larger events for late fall/winter. Events help with fundraising AND expansion goals!
Grassroots Café: Global Grassroots Manager, Ken Patterson Key Points: Recess meetings are key Lobby reports—we need them Lobby reports September 21 outreach opportunity with Sam Daley Harris (and hopefully Dr. Yunus) Two great training calls, August 26, 27 New Sept. Conference Call date: 9/7 Grassroots Board nominations Shares from your experiences at the IC
Grassroots Café: Group Meeting Agenda Tweet the Call: Use the hashtag #RESULTScall and Powerful Speaking: Practice the laser talk while it's fresh IC Follow: 1) Who will follow up on requests made & send thank yous? 2) Are all lobby reports done? If not, who will do them by when? Set up Recess Meetings: Which members have we not yet met with this year? Who will set up a recess meeting with the Rep. and/or Senators? September 21 National Outreach: Decide if your group will host a book party for the release of Reclaiming Our Democracy. Group Reporting: Hey, let’s have some fun and catch up on our group reporting. our group reporting Next meeting Time: when will we meet next?
Speaking Training Using Public Narrative: Senior Grassroots Associate, Lisa Marchal Story of Self: I love being part of RESULTS because it’s training me how to do things I never thought I could do like influence Congress on the root causes of poverty, change policy, and save lives—I’m really saving lives. Story of Us: I’m telling you this because I believe you have an interest in ending extreme poverty, too. With your involvement we can accelerate progress toward ending extreme poverty by 2030, a goal being embraced by world leaders in the US, UK, and the World Bank. I’d love to work together on this. Story of Now : Now is the time to get involved, because though ending extreme poverty is a plausible and exciting goal, we know that eradicating anything requires determination, staying power, and resources—particularly as one approaches the goal line. We saw this with small pox and are now seeing this with polio, for example. Call to Action : Here are three ways to get started: 1)Join us at our next group meeting; 2) Join an Introduction to RESULTS call—the next one is on Wednesday August 14 at 9 pm ET; 3) Join us on Sept. 21 for a book party with the founder of RESULTS, Sam Daley Harris. Sam is releasing his book, Reclaiming Our Democracy. Which of these sounds interesting?