The Marine Biome Cnidaria
Cnidaria Sea Anemones Coral Jellyfish
Body Type Symmetrical. Usually with tentacles and a central mouth. Net like nervous system. Minimal skeleton.
Movement Corals are sessile. Anemones are sessile. Composed of thousands of tiny animals growing together as a colony. These coral polyps are the builders of the reef. Anemones are sessile. Jellyfish drift or use jet propulsion from tentacles.
Food Corals live in symbiosis with a phytoplankton Food is made for the coral. Anemones and jellyfish are carnivorous. Specialized stinging cells called nematocysts.
Reproduction Asexually. Regeneration and budding. Sexually. Spawning
Examples of Cnidaria Pineapple Coral
Examples of Cnidaria Sea Fan Coral
Examples of Cnidaria Sun Coral
Examples of Cnidaria Green Anemone
Examples of Cnidaria Yellow Anemone
Examples of Cnidaria Jellyfish
Cnidaria More complex than Porifera. Only a few can harm humans (box jelly). Are very important for reef formation.