Making a History of the Internet in South Korea : A Users' Perspective Myungkoo Kang Professor of Communication Studies College of Social Sciences Seoul National University
A social history of the forms of communication technology use From the history of communication technology to the history of forms of communication technology use Forms of communication technology uses refers to how communication technologies are being used by the people. Ex 1: Cable Television: technologically interactive, but it is now being used another medium of broadcasting. One-way, professionally produced, ordinary audience, commercially used. Ex 2: Hand phone: The telephone has been uses as interpersonal and business communication channels. The hand phone is not just a medium of word exchange, but a totally differenct kind of communication and cultural medium. These examples demonstrate different ways of media usage which are not determined by the technology itself, but are to be defined and continuously changed.
Who and What determines the forms of technology use? 1)Technological forms are defined by a group of inventors and engineers in the first stage. 2) The industrial needs are crucial in the stage of technology implementation. 3) The ordinary users can define how to use the given technologies. These three factors interactively define and determine their forms of usage. Such interaction can be called as socially determined forms of communication technology use.
Ten Keywords when we try to make an Internet history in Korea 1) Expansion of broadband network: traffic of data flow 2) BBS-centered Online Community: A Kingdom of Portals 3) Syndrome of Upgrade: Market, Technology and Cultural Desire Work together 4) Online Market of Ideas and Opinion Formation: News Transmission and Social Forum 5) Privacy 6) Surveillance and Censorship 7) Quality of Information: Is it the sea of information or cyber-trash space 8) Digital Divide 1: Social Gap in Information Literacy 9) Digital Divide 2: Internet Access as a Communication Right 10) Spam
Issue 1: A Formation of Internet Network: 1) Building the Infrastructure 2),kr domain 3) Constructing Website Issue 2: Instruments of the Internet 1) Web Search Engine 2) Internet BBS 3) Computer Virus and Vaccine Issue 3: The Internet and Everyday Life 1) The Internet and News Journalism 2) Consumer Culture and Internet Technology 3) E-commerce: Auction, INET
Issue 4: The Internet and Social Relations 1) Online Community Fever: Daum, Dannji, Iloveschool 2) Why Do Users Post their Ideas, Opinion, etc? Issue 5: The Internet and Popular Culture 1) PC room 2) Online Game 3) P2P: 소리바다
Issue 6: The Internet and Social Institution 1) The Internet and Democracy 2) Social Surveillance 3) Information Rights and Public Interests 4) The Internet and Social Movements Issue 7: The Internet and Social Ethics 1) Privacy Protection 2) Spam