Team assignment 13 TEAM 3 – K15T1 Hanh Luong – Leader – T Hao Tran – T Huy Nguyen – T Hieu Le – T Quang Nguyen – T094193
Content 1. Assumption 2. Schedule 3. Budget 4. Summary
Assumption With this Viking project, team gives some critical assumptions -1 ideal day = 8h -1 week = 6 ideal days -Development team size = 7 -The project will be developed on new platform. It include the following: new database structure, new software architecture -About equipment to support project development, they will be reused but mail server is not because the company doesn’t have it.
Schedule The table show is the list of user stories and features in Viking project Story IDUser Story Feature 1Manage Users F1 2Manage Projects F2 3Manage Lifecycle F3 4Manage Roles F4 5Manage Members F5 6Manage Permissions F6 7Log In F7 8Synchronize Data F8 9Manage Issues F9 10Manage Artifacts F10 11Manage CommunicationsF11 12Manage Reports F12 Based on above table, team had meeting and the table following hyperlink is the result of estimator in teamfollowing hyperlink
The above information is result of estimation in ideal case. But in fact, there are some differences. And the table below will show the rate of ideal time and elapsed time. Schedule Human resourceAvailable Hours/DayIdeal Hours/Day Scrum Master 68 Product owner 58 Development team Team leader 78 Architect 58 Developer & Tester 1 78 Developer & Tester 2 78 Developer & Tester 3 78 Total: 4456 Rate (Available Hours/ Ideal Hours):0,79 From above result, team put stories into sprint. Specific is shown in this below table SprintStory ID Ideal days of each story Ideal days of each sprint Elapsed days of each sprint Sprint 1 1 2, Sprint 2 3 2, Sprint Sprint ,25 Sprint ,25 Sprint ,25 Total 31 39
Schedule Finally, based on all information and result that are analyzed above, this figure is Product Roadmap Release
Budget The table below shows overview about Viking budget VIKING'S BUDGET Salary $24, Training$0.00 Equipment$ Software/Tools$2, Risk & Change$0.00 Facilities/Infrastructure (water, electric, office, etc.)$ Team Building (Entertainment, birthday, bonus, etc.)$ Customer relationship (travel, hotel, etc.)$ Total $27, About detail Viking’s budget, it will be analyzed at following tables First, this table shows salary of Human resource. Salary table RoleHourly RateSalary Scrum Master Product owner Team leader Architect Developer & Tester Developer & Tester Developer & Tester Total budget 24856
Budget Second, this table shows price of equipment, tool and software No.ContentQuantityUnit Unit prize TotalNote 1.Equipment (Hareware) $100 1Laptop 7Thing $0 Reuse equipment 2Database Server 1Thing $0 3Modem 1Thing $0 4 Mail server (machine, domain name, etc.) 1Thing$100 2.Tool (Software) $ Pragmatic's Defect Tracker 1License$20 2Microsoft Project 1License$ Relational database management system (RDBMS) MS SQL Server Workgroup Edition License$ netBean 1License $0free Total: (1) + (2) $2.420
Budget Finally, this table shows other price (team building, Facilities/Infrastructure and Customer relationship) Cost category Month Detail cost Total cost Facilities/Infra structure (water, electric, office, etc.) Electric ($35 per month) Water ($15 per month) Cleaning ($100 per month) Network ($20 per month) 1$35 $15$100$20$170 2$18 $8$50$10$68 $35$23$150$30$238 Team Buildding (Entertainmen t, birthday, bonus, etc) MonthPartyBonusTotal cost 1 $100 2 $0$200 Customer relationship (travel, hotel, etc.) Month Detail cost Total cost 1 $100 2 $50$150 $100
Summary Inclusion, in this documentation: About schedule: When apply Scrum process, with an overview, time to develop Viking project is shorter than applying RUP process. About budget: Familiar with schedule when applying Scrum process, Viking’s budget is less. About resource: From above analyzing, we can see that Scrum applying require less human resource to develop Viking project.
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