School Merewade College
different This school is more different than our school. It is bigger than ours. There are more people. There are more people. This people are very friendly.
Special rooms In this shool there are special rooms for practices, but in our school we must visit special building for practices.
Sections There are 5 sections: (technics, cooking, building, administration, welfare) And in our school there are 3 sections (nurse, business, economy)
Technics In this room there are cars, some machine for work, tools for revice cars.
Cooking In the kitchen there are tables, cookers….(kitchen unit…)
Building People learn working with wood and something. In this room there are lethe, drilling machine…
Administration In the class rooms there are computers. People learn working with PC.
Welfare People look after children or old people (nurse) There are special rooms for cosmetics and hairdresser`s.
This school is very nice because there are very friendly people and rooms are very beautiful…