“You Be The Teacher” By: Christen Campbell EDRL 474
The Insert Method The Insert Method is designed to help students work together while reading an article or any other text they may be reading. It uses the symbols: A check mark- fact that is already known by students A question mark for a fact that is confusing or not understood An exclamation mark for something that is new, unusual or surprising A plus sign for something that is new to the reader
The Insert Method I would use The Insert Method in class in order to: ◦ Gauge what my students are learning ◦ See what kind of questions they have about our article/text ◦ Understand what concepts are new to them ◦ Work with others in a small group setting ◦ Allow them to share their questions and thoughts with their peers
Content Objectives For The Insert Method, Content Objectives would include: ◦ Using a coding system while reading a nonfiction text to identify concepts or facts that are familiar, those that are confusing, and those that are new, unusual or surprising. ◦ Clarify misconceptions and misunderstandings about a text, while working with group members
Language Objectives Language Objectives: ◦ Ask questions about a concept or fact that might be new or confusing ◦ Read and discuss with group members a piece of text (Echevarria & Vogt p. 33)
The Insert Method Activity I would introduce the National Geographic series, specifically the Pioneer Version (for students through third grade). Students would take turns reading with their partner. Throughout the reading, students would mark their paper with the appropriate symbols (check, ?, !, +) Once students are finished with their article, they would share their thoughts with another group of two.
The Insert Method Activity Continued… Once most students are done with the assignment, the teacher will review with them what they learned, and will ask what their questions were. The teacher will write the questions on the board The questions will be answered by the class as a whole. ◦ *As a closing activity, if time permits, students could follow up by writing in their journal, or drawing something to represent what they learned.
The Insert Method Example National Geographic article: ◦ Scientists recently discovered that animals who live in groups, such as elephants, foxes, and wolves, are especially likely to follow rules (check). If they don't, and each does its own thing, the group might break apart. Group members would be forced to live alone(?). Then they'd have a harder time hunting and raising their young(!). alsnature/can-animals-be-nice/ alsnature/can-animals-be-nice/
Four Corners Vocabulary Four Corners Vocabulary helps students to comprehend words by : Making an index card with the following: ◦ Creating a chart with an illustration ◦ Writing a sentence including the word ◦ The definition of the word ◦ The actual vocabulary word
Four Corners Vocabulary I would use Four Corners Vocabulary in my classroom in order to: ◦ Create a different and interactive way to learn vocabulary words ◦ Allow students to use these words in a sentence ◦ Draw a picture of something that reminds them of their word in order to help them remember it
Content and Language Objectives Content Objectives: ◦ Students being able to use an illustration, and a contextualized sentence to determine a matching vocabulary word. ◦ Language Objectives: ◦ Reading a contextualized sentence that includes a vocabulary ◦ Read the definition for a vocabulary word (Echevarria & Vogt pp )
Four Corners Activity This lesson would be designed for a class of third graders. ◦ Students would be instructed to make a chart, making sure there were four different “boxes” to write in. ◦ The teacher would divide the words between a group of four (For example, if there were twelve words, each student would get three. ◦ Students would complete steps one by one (illustration, sentence, definition, actual word)
Four Corners Activity Continued.. ◦ Once students have made a few of their cards, they would quiz the other students in their group. ◦ Once students are done with their cards, they can be hung on the wall, or used at their group table for reference. *Students would be paired in groups to accommodate those who might have trouble using the word in a sentence, and understand what the word means
Four Corners Vocabulary Example Sentence: The detective helped me find my missing homework. Illustration: Definition: a member of the police force or a private investigator whose function is to obtain information and evidence, as of offenses against the law. Vocabulary Word: Detective
Implications With the Insert Method, ELL students might be afraid to ask questions, which could confuse them even more. Everything that they are reading could be new and unusual to them, so they might not know how often to use the ! Tool. Four Corners Vocabulary might be overwhelming for an ELL student because of how many steps the activity requires.