Ascend Activity 9 Phenomena cards © 2006 Gatsby Technical education Projects phenomenon to explain with particle theory starch being converted to glucose when mixed with saliva phenomenon to explain with particle theory steam produced from boiling water phenomenon to explain with particle theory an ice cube melting
phenomenon to explain with particle theory a metal rod getting slightly longer when it is heated phenomenon to explain with particle theory salt dissolving in water phenomenon to explain with particle theory a copper bar being drawn out into a wire phenomenon to explain with particle theory methane and oxygen reacting in a Bunsen flame
phenomenon to explain with particle theory sugar dissolving faster in hot tea than cold tea phenomenon to explain with particle theory putty adhering to a wall phenomenon to explain with particle theory the pressure of a gas increasing when the gas is heated phenomenon to explain with particle theory magnesium burning in the air to form magnesium oxide
phenomenon to explain with particle theory chalk reacting quicker with acid solution when the lumps are turned into powder phenomenon to explain with particle theory current passing through a copper wire phenomenon to explain with particle theory iron on a bicycle rusting in a wet garden phenomenon to explain with particle theory a sample of radioactive material emitting alpha radiation
phenomenon to explain with particle theory ozone in the atmosphere absorbing ultraviolet radiation phenomenon to explain with particle theory the pressure of a gas increasing when it is compressed phenomenon to explain with particle theory a spring returning to its original length when a load is removed phenomenon to explain with particle theory carbon dioxide and water reacting in photosynthesis
phenomenon to explain with particle theory phenomenon to explain with particle theory very hot metal glowing phenomenon to explain with particle theory phenomenon to explain with particle theory