TCRP G-4A RAIL STANDARDS Status Briefing July, 1999 Washington DC Thomas J. McGean, P.E.
TCRP G-4 PROGRAM Objective: “…to design a process for developing consensus standards …for …rail passenger vehicles (light rail, heavy rail and commuter rail vehicles.) Using the process one or more standards will be produced.”
STANDARDS & REGULATIONS PRIOR TO TCRP G-4 * Little Used in U.S. E = Electrical M = Mechanical
Need for Rail Transit Standards Safety –2.3 billion LRT & Subway passengers/year (there are 0.6 billion airline passengers/year) –Until TCRP G-4 acted, no standards protected these riders Economics –Rail transit standards estimated to save $1/3 billion annually
Institutional Achievements Transit Standards Organization Created in IEEE Transit Standards Organization Created in ASME Issue of Rail TCIP Addressed
SCOPE - IEEE Rail Transit Vehicle Interface Standards Committee “The purpose of this committee shall be to serve as the sponsor and balloting group…for all rail transit vehicle interface standards developed by the IEEE”
CHARTER - ASME Rail Transit Vehicle Standards Committee “The Rail Transit Vehicle Standards Committee develops and maintains standards that cover safety, functional, performance and operability requirements for rail transit vehicles, mechanical systems and components and structural requirements. Rail Transit includes conventional subway (rapid) rail cars and light rail cars and excludes…rail vehicles under the jurisdiction of the FRA as of March 18, 1998.”
TCIP Rail Standards The TCRP G-4 Project has responsibility assigned by ITE TCIP Standards for developing standard onboard message objects for rail transit vehicles as part of the NTCIP/TCIP standards effort. This is being done as IEEE Standard 1544, Transit Communications Interface Profiles for Rail Applications.
KEY STANDARDS BALLOTED TO DATE Communications Protocol Standard adopted Communications Based Train Control Performance & Functional Standard passed Event Recorder Standard adopted Software Safety Standard brought to ballot Propulsion, Braking & Train Control Standard adopted Passenger Information Standard adopted Auxiliary Power Interface Standard brought to ballot
Other TCRP G-4 Standards Activities Rail TCIP Standards (ITE) - underway Battery Physical Interface (NYCTA) - underway Motor Controller Standards (LTK) - PAR stage LRV Crashworthiness (NJT) - underway Software Documentation (WABCO) - organizing NiCad Battery Electrical Standard (LTK) - proposed
Status of Standards Activity