Abigail and Scarlet Presents
The royal family. So far.
Right now are King/Queen is Queen Elizabeth 2 nd but who was King/Queen before her and who will be King/ Queen after her.
These are the princes/princesses that are in line after Elizabeth 2 nd : 1.Prince Charles 2.Prince William 3.Prince George 4.Princess Charlotte 5.Prince Henry 6.Prince Andrew 7.Princess Beatrice 8.Princess Eugenie 9.Prince Edward 10. James Windsor
11. Lady Louise Windsor 12. Princess Ann 13. Peter Phillips 14. Zara Phillips 15. David Armstrong-Jones 16. Charles Armstrong-Jones 17. Margarita Armstrong-Jones 18. Sara Chatto 19. Samuel Chatto 20. Arthur Chatto 21. Prince Richard 22. Alexander Windsor
These are the Kings/Queens before Elizabeth 2 nd including her : 1.Elizabeth 2 nd 2. King George 6 th 3.King Edward 8 th 4.King George 5 th 5.King Edward 7 th 6. Queen Victoria 7. King William 4 th 8. King George 4 th 9. King George 3 rd 10. King George 2 nd 11. Queen Anne 12. William 3 rd
13. Queen Mary 2 nd 14. James 2 nd 15. Charles 2 nd 16. Richard Cromwell 17. Oliver Cromwell 18. Charles 1 st 19. James 1 st 20. Queen Elizabeth 1 st 21. Queen Mary 1 st [Bloody Mary] 22. King Edward 6 th 23. King Henry 8 th 24. King Henry 7 th
The end Or is it