EMF Working meeting Madrid 8-9 March kHz VHF Radio Louis BERGER
8.33 kHz VHF Radio Due to a lack of frequency in VHF band, ICO FMG decided to reduce channel spacing 25 kHz of VHF Radio to 8.33 kHz. Due to a lack of frequency in VHF band, ICO FMG decided to reduce channel spacing 25 kHz of VHF Radio to 8.33 kHz. This measure is already compulsory in the Single European Sky down to FL 195. This measure is already compulsory in the Single European Sky down to FL 195. The Agenda of SCG 6 ( Stakholder Consultation Group) of Eurocontrol – 25 Sept 2007: 8.33 kHz progress, including BELOW FL 195 – EAS wrote a letter to Peter Alty giving its position about 8.33 kHz The Agenda of SCG 6 ( Stakholder Consultation Group) of Eurocontrol – 25 Sept 2007: 8.33 kHz progress, including BELOW FL 195 – EAS wrote a letter to Peter Alty giving its position about 8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz VHF Radio (2) Business case At SCG 6 meeting Peter Alty made known The Business Case study. It showed: At SCG 6 meeting Peter Alty made known The Business Case study. It showed: 1 That a full implementation BELOW FL 195 would be required to satisfy the future VHF assignments; 1 That a full implementation BELOW FL 195 would be required to satisfy the future VHF assignments; 2 That there would be a significant impact on GA fleet (EAS letter); 2 That there would be a significant impact on GA fleet (EAS letter); 3 that there were safety applications associated with non 8.33kHz equipped aircraft. 3 that there were safety applications associated with non 8.33kHz equipped aircraft. P.A. made reference to EAS letter in which it was stated (amongst other things) to give consideration to possible funding mechanism for aircraft equipage P.A. made reference to EAS letter in which it was stated (amongst other things) to give consideration to possible funding mechanism for aircraft equipage
8.33 kHz VHF Radio (3) Safety case Integra has been charged by Eurocontrol to carry the safety case study for non 8.33kHz a/c. Integra has been charged by Eurocontrol to carry the safety case study for non 8.33kHz a/c. Its briefing paper has been sent to EMF members on 23 February. Its briefing paper has been sent to EMF members on 23 February. During Integra briefing in Belgium (probably the same as in Cologne 15 March), Four scenarios were studied. During Integra briefing in Belgium (probably the same as in Cologne 15 March), Four scenarios were studied.
8.33 kHz VHF Radio (4) Safety case Only ACC services are converted to 8.33kHz ACC & Major TMA converted to 8.33kHz
8.33 kHz VHF Radio (4) Safety case FULL IMPLENTATION ACC, approach & tower converted to 8.33 kHz ATIS converted to 8.33 kHz FIS still in 25 kHz